So, there's a lot of TSN/other fandom crossover art+ficlet prettiness floating around tumblr.
But I really want this! So damn much!
Eduardo struggled uselessly against Christy’s grip, strong and tight on his biceps, as Erica strode over to the box, her brow drawn in a frown. She lifted one booted foot and kicked off the cover. Eduardo shouted, “No!” as a cloud of condensing gas rose out.
He knew the moment Erica saw what — or rather, who — was inside when she froze. She turned to look at Eduardo and said, “Now, this is interesting. What is he, your boyfriend?”
Something in his face must have given away, because she raised her eyebrows skeptically. “I didn’t think Companions were allowed —”
There was a shout and Mark sat up, half-falling out of the box, panting harshly. “Wardo?” he gasped.
Eduardo yanked out of Christy’s slackened hold, ran towards Mark, and fell to his knees in front of him. He pulled Mark into his arms, rubbing his bare back, and whispered, “I’m here, Mark.”
Take my love, take my land
| воскресенье, 04 декабря 2011