It had never occurred to me that our lives, so closely interwoven, could unravel with such speed. If I'd known, maybe I'd have kept tighter hold of them.
--Never Let Me Go.
It was a big surprise to me that the movie hit big screen here.
Maybe, it's not a movie to watch at the cinema with ppl around, and it's not an entertaining stuff either.
But I bought the ticket. The movie isn't translated, only Russian subs are added, so it's not like I had a choice!))
I'm planning to go alone and admire the characters, and enjoy brilliant acting.
And be engrossed throughout the whole film.
I find it strange ppl asking why they didn't just run away. And it's a common opinion.
For me it was all pretty clear.
They can't run, they can't even come up with such an idea, because you're not human, no one ever treated you as a human, and you don't think of yourself as of someone having a choice in this.
It's not like a decision between being a good person and a bad one.
You are not a person, you are just a tool for people to use you, that's what your existence is, not a life, just an existence.
You were born this way, you were living your whole life to be thrown away like a trash after. This is your life purpose, the core of your existence.