More goodies 4 myself under the cuts.
Jesse Eisenberg on Conan (11. 18. 2010)
TSN Live Chat with Andrew Garfield and Jesse Eisenberg, January 08, 2011Comment from alicealice: how have your lives changed after the social network? I mean, you guys were famous already, but that was kinda huge.
andrew_garfield: jesse gets mobbed at whole foods now
Jesse_Eisenberg: by my mother
Comment from karateslutskaratesluts: Andrew, do you know that most of Tumblr refer to you as Bambi? How does that make you feel inside? Warm, I hope.
andrew_garfield: bambi? like the deer? cool
Comment from Alice: Gosh, Andrew, we have similar taste in books.
andrew_garfield: alice, cool, maybe we should meet and get married
Jesse_Eisenberg: i also like those books!
Comment from Vicki: none of my comments are showing up and i am crying
andrew_garfield: vicki, don’t cry. we are here for you
Comment From AmyAmy: So it seems both of you are into music (albeit, different genres); would you ever consider putting out a record or track (like how Carey Mulligan did a brilliant song with Belle & Sebastian)?
andrew_garfield: amy, we have been working on a rap album. neuroses based rap
Comment From LauraLaura: Jesse, I had the same reaction as your mother, I have to say.
Jesse_Eisenberg: thanks Laura, please do not slap me at a whole foods though
Comment From RiversRivers: How do we know if you’re really Jesse & Andrew?
Jesse_Eisenberg: you dont
Jesse_Eisenberg: how do we know if you’re really rivers?
andrew_garfield: rivers, this is in fact justin timberlake and armie hammer
andrew_garfield: maybe im rivers
Jesse_Eisenberg: maybe rivers is in all of us
andrew_garfield: maybe jesse is an automated joke machine