My 5 cents on fans' reaction, dedicated to some pushy fans of David.
i wasn't going to bring this topic up again, but c'mon, what's all the fuss?
i get that it wasn't a smart move from him and ppl are upset, i wasn't happy either, but some fans are just crasy with their "we don't love him anymore", "the guy is bastard", and such insulting shit.
you are not the ones he was cheating on.
it's up to his family.
and on the light note, one of my fave comments taken from public blog (i kept the original mistakes): he belongs to quite a gorup of younf buff hollywood guys..that include chris kane, jensen ackles , jared padeleski , hmm …..i wonder how many hollywood wives are sleeping these days…
First, leave the gay guys out of it.
Second, fuck off my man. He's not married and he can fuck whoever he wants!
C'mon, David, i still love you as an actor and i don't think you're a bad man, to love you as a husband is up to your wife.
i hope you'll get through this.