Yesterday's 30STM show was frigging fantastic. Boys were awesome and on fire. Jared sang the songs from their first album. Thanks 4 that.
Though, there were too many young and crazy fans, like 12 yrs old. Scary.
Also, some boys wetted their panties over Jared,lol No chance, boys. He's so damn taken.
And yeah, brotherly moments were there on full force.
Jared almost lost his voice, but Shannon signed him to be careful, and he changed the song. Ohhhh. I really hope someone made the video.
Also, we squeed over Shan' face expression when Jared played the fans. So much love and adoration.
Btw, Shannon was hot as hell. Well, as always. And he liked his b-day song... i hope, lol
And to make the post more clear, it was AMAZING SHOW.
| понедельник, 15 марта 2010