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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Twitter seems like a perfect place for my beta and me))

@темы: fiction, writing

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
HQ pictures! Finally!
thank you Mr.Bush for letting me drool over your daughther!
What? i love her!

30.07.2009 в 21:45
Пишет  Xomaaa:

Sophia Bush-Charles Bush Photo Shoot (July 2009)
все фотки заменены на HQ

+18 штук

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@темы: crazy in love, Sophia Bush

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Aww, I should make a tag for ma man twitter posts)))

It's too HOT!!! It's making me MAD!!! This is like Valley heat. What happened to the beautiful weather in Portland?

Aww, my poor baby, lemme kiss it all better.

@темы: crazy in love, Christian Kane

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I just had to post it!

Thanks a lot to MarvelGirl for pointing it out.

Even so, I'm not really on the same page about Misha/Cas stuff, but OMG!!! the other things were taken right out of my mouth.

@темы: LMAO, supernatural

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Mr.Bale' new role in "The Fighter" is not good for his health if you ask me.
Christian, we know you are a method actor, and nothing will change it, but c'mon!

@темы: movies, actors

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
As i wanted to bring smth nice & sweet to my dairy, it's smth 4 myself to enjoy.
4 a long time it was part of my LJ layout.
Sorry, i suck at remembering whose this work was.
It's totally not mine, so, thanks to the one who made it.
i also suck at giving a credit, sorry((

@темы: J2, supernatural


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
On my way to get Steve and the boys from the airport for Sat. rehearsals and a Sunday F@&%$^%^%$#%% night Kane show!!!
isn't it awesome? *jumps like crazy*
oh gosh, i should stop being such a fangirl. Someone stop me. Can you?

*reads again his msg*
he's twittering. *jumps some more*

They're gonna perform together again.
Vaip, can you c that?????

@темы: i'm a nutcase, no worries, crazy in love, Christian Kane, Steve Carlson



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Ma man is twittering!

@темы: crazy in love, Christian Kane


SPN vid rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Okay, I love J2, wincest and Sophia Bush. But together? Big disturbing mess.
But! The vid deserves to be rec'ed. And I really liked it.
I loved the editing and I think it's one of the author's best vids so far.

Made by fatedcinderella.

Pairing/Characters: Jared/Jensen(or Sam/Dean. Whatever you're more comfortable with on this one) & Sophia(again, or Brooke...or just pretend she's a random girl)
Warnings: AU. Dark plot. Violence. Character death. Boys portrayed in a very not nice way! Seriously, they're crazy in this. If this isn't your thing, please don't watch. I don't want to upset anyone.
Summary: Poor girl thought she'd met 2 cute guys and could just have a night of fun. She had no idea what she was getting herself into.

DL are here.

@темы: fan vid, Sophia Bush, rec, supernatural

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Someone (looks up in the mirror) was whining that there were no new piccies of my girl.
Someone up there loves me))
Soph is AMAZING!

24.07.2009 в 21:30
Пишет  Xomaaa:

Sophia Bush-Charles Bush Photo Shoot (July 2009)

URL записи

@темы: crazy in love, Sophia Bush

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Chris is talking. Isn't it wonderful? His sexy voice is amazing.
also, he talks about Leverage and his new single))

@темы: crazy in love, Christian Kane

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I'm sooo waiting for this movie to come out))

@темы: movies

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
As there are no new pics of my Soph, i'm okay with drooling over not so old ones.

@темы: crazy in love, Sophia Bush

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Okay, i'm weak, I've watched "Dead End", and OH MY GAWD!
His voice, his blue eyes, his perfect ass for God' sake. Oh, he was so young))
Also, half-naked Chris on a big screen is PURE PORN.
And the sound is better, so his performance at Caritas of "Pretty As A Picture" and his raspy sexy voice were beyong the words.
Evil hand)))

P.S. it's kinda clear that David and him were friends, they've got great chemistry.

@темы: fangirl' death, Christian Kane, Lindsey

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Oh my.
To watch SPN on 37" screen is amazing.
But! I had to push the "hold" button like all the time to examine every line on Dean' face.
Gosh, this guy is incredulously beautiful.
It's unnatural. Jensen, stop it!)

Anyway, note to myself - never EVER watch Lindsey centric episodes of "Angel" on big screen.
it won't do any good to my mental health.

@темы: i'm a nutcase, no worries, fangirl' death, Christian Kane, supernatural, Jensen Ackles, blah-blah, Lindsey