Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Credit for this cap goes to proofpudding.
Blame for Hotness goes to Dean/Sam.

@темы: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, supernatural, wincest


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Отчет будет позже, а пока...
Эти сволочи поставили MBV в Imax на 21.30.
Охерели совсем!!!!

@темы: movies, bitching, i'm a nutcase, no worries, Jensen Ackles

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Кэти Кэссиди в Мелроуз Плейс?!
Я только что наткнулась на ее видеинтервью на страничке со статьей по Life.
My God!

@темы: WTF?, supernatural


SPN vid rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Well, we all know speakfree is awesome.
And then she goes and makes this Beauty.

Summary: Oh yes, the butterflies are still there [not your average happy-J2-vid, more like angsty-fic-vid.]
Music: Sia - Butterflies [lyrics]
Size/format/length/download: 44,3MB, avi, 3:24 [megaupload] [mediafire]

DLs are here

@темы: J2, fan vid, crazy in love, RPS, rec


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Life 2x21

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Oh my GOD!
it's a pure awesomeness!
The episode was brilliant! and what a finale!

@темы: Life, Squee indeed!



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
я не понимаю виддеров, которые делают клип на 3 минуты с хорошей, но не отличной картинкой, и конвертируют таким образом, что клип весит 600 мб.
Что это за извращения? И кому такое счастье надо, особенно когда сам клипец не тянет на шедевр.

@темы: bitching, fan vid


MBV premiere

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Today is The Day!
My Bloody Valentine premiere! Finally!!!
*dances around*

@темы: movies, Jensen Ackles

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Zap2it interview with Damian Lewis and Rand Ravich about the end of season 2 and more.
The link

@темы: Life

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
From DamianLewisWeb: We'll prob hear in May at the NBC upfronts whether there's going to be a season 3 of Life on NBC or not.

@темы: Life

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Here's the article and you can leave your comments under it.

@темы: Life

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Стоимость Вашего блога

Стоимость блога
составляет 231 000 $

Посчитать стоимость моего блога!

Это мало или как?
Хочу миллион!

@темы: fr*ing flashmob



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I love you, my f-list *bursts of happiness*
UPD: god, this mood ended pretty soon((

@темы: i'm a nutcase, no worries, blah-blah

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I had a rough day at the office but I came home to find THIS.
Oh God.
Amazing tribute to ma man Chris by babycin73.
Aye! so much hotness in one vid.

@темы: fangirl' death, Christian Kane, Squee indeed!

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I haven't finished my J2 AU story yet but I already know the songs for the soundtrack of my next big wincest story.
And no, my priority is still "If you wait for me".

@темы: fiction, blah-blah, writing

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Дорогая френдлента,
Обращаюсь к москвичам, которые ходят на 3D фильмы.
Специализированный кинотеатр Imax по-прежнему является самым лучшим по качеству показа фильмов 3D?
Или другие кинотеатры, также показывающие фильмы 3D, догнали Imax по качеству воспроизведения картинки и звука?
Всем заранее спасибо за отзывы.

@темы: help needed


SPN vid rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
proofpudding made a vid she promised to do.
Oh God, UST was killing me *thud*

vid: spn. smith+wesson. "so damn good."
summary: Come on and dance with me, baby.
music: can you keep a secret? the cab.

DL is here.

@темы: fan vid, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, rec, supernatural


Life 2x20

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Please, don't cancel my show. it's one of the best ones.
And OMG, I saw Bela from SPN. Hmm, couldn't she play that good on SPN?
Anyway, I can't wait for the next ep to come out.
What did they do to Dani? *biting her nails*
P.S. Charlie pointing the gun at that FBI guy - HOT!
Also, "Life" is something else, something zenish.

@темы: Life, blah-blah

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
*не успевает за шоу*
Я не готовая, не готовая еще к таким ужасам. Дальше будет хуже, я знаю.
Остановить его уже нельзя...

А один поцелуй же не значит, что они скоро плохо кончат, так?

@темы: Dollhouse, blah-blah