воскресенье, 08 февраля 2009
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I love shmoop and happy-endings *smiles like a dork that she is*
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Oh my, he's adorable.
I just... *goes to happy place*
CLICK for Paddy
You can find this picture and more plus the report here
Thanks to jessm78.
I just... *goes to happy place*
CLICK for Paddy
You can find this picture and more plus the report here
Thanks to jessm78.
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Song Title/Vid Title: "This Night"
Vidder: Sweetie
Artist: Black Lab
Category: Character study, angst.
Characters: Sam
Warnings: Spoilers up to 4x13.
Summary: "I know I'm not forgiven, but I hope that I'll be given some peace."
It's wonderful Sam-centric vid.
Yeah, I still love the guy.
The song suits him perfectly, and I love this song.
DL is here.
Vidder: Sweetie
Artist: Black Lab
Category: Character study, angst.
Characters: Sam
Warnings: Spoilers up to 4x13.
Summary: "I know I'm not forgiven, but I hope that I'll be given some peace."
It's wonderful Sam-centric vid.
Yeah, I still love the guy.
The song suits him perfectly, and I love this song.
DL is here.
суббота, 07 февраля 2009
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
well, so much I wanna say that I don't wanna say it at all.
But hey, the guy that played the husband-murderer?
I saw this guy in Everyone, I saw this movie like a couple days ago and I was discussing his character and his motives, and the other guy from the movie that plays his husband is my friend's teacher, so... we were talking about the movie and the characters and BOOM... he's in SPN! It was quite a surprise!
P.S. it was soooo not the review about the last SPN episode((
But hey, the guy that played the husband-murderer?
I saw this guy in Everyone, I saw this movie like a couple days ago and I was discussing his character and his motives, and the other guy from the movie that plays his husband is my friend's teacher, so... we were talking about the movie and the characters and BOOM... he's in SPN! It was quite a surprise!
P.S. it was soooo not the review about the last SPN episode((
пятница, 06 февраля 2009
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
А с каких пор Amazon.uk решил, что в такую страну как наша не стоит доставлять товары?
Что за хрень?
Что за хрень?
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Parker in rehab was awesome. She's so crasy that I'm starting to like her even more.
Sophie and Nate' fights are funny to watch.
And, OMG, Eliot, he was AMAZING. The bomb' situation, the fights with gangs... he's the ONE, hands down.
Also, Hardison? Want Eliot as your man? Dream on, man. He's all mine! lol
Chris was distracting me the whole ep with his voice. Bastard
Sophie and Nate' fights are funny to watch.
And, OMG, Eliot, he was AMAZING. The bomb' situation, the fights with gangs... he's the ONE, hands down.
Also, Hardison? Want Eliot as your man? Dream on, man. He's all mine! lol
Chris was distracting me the whole ep with his voice. Bastard

четверг, 05 февраля 2009
среда, 04 февраля 2009
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Закрытая запись, не предназначенная для публичного просмотра
вторник, 03 февраля 2009
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Вообще это не совсем нормально - сидя на рабочем месте, с чашкой кофе в руке и орущей музыкой в наушниках, взять и отключиться.
Хорошо хоть рука с чашкой стояла на столе.
Эх, надо больше спать.
Хорошо хоть рука с чашкой стояла на столе.
Эх, надо больше спать.
понедельник, 02 февраля 2009
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Sheldon: I possess the DNA of Leonard Nimoy? Do you realize what this means? All I need is a healthy ovum, and I can grow my own Leonard Nimoy!!
Oh, Sheldon, you are awesome!
Oh, Sheldon, you are awesome!

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
To cheer myself up I was re-watching Paddy' old vids (it always helps me) and the one from this photoshoot for Teen People:
So, what I was talking about? yeah, he's totally adorable. When you're watching the vid, u r melting.
He's so young, his face is kinda childish, and his smile... and those dimples of doom...
So, what I was talking about? yeah, he's totally adorable. When you're watching the vid, u r melting.
He's so young, his face is kinda childish, and his smile... and those dimples of doom...

воскресенье, 01 февраля 2009
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I'm drunk and I'm happy.
Love you, my f-list
Love you, my f-list

суббота, 31 января 2009
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
пятница, 30 января 2009
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Явная закономерность, но все равно приятно
1. Берём калькулятор
2. Вводим 3 первые цифры вашего номера телефона(без всяких регионов и т.п.)
3. Умножаем на 80
4. Прибавляем 1
5. Умножаем на 250
6. Прибавляем 4 последние цифры вашего номера телефона
7. Прибавляем 4 последние цифры вашего номера телефона ещё раз
8. Отнимаем 250
9. Делим на 2
10. Медленно офигеваем....
1. Берём калькулятор
2. Вводим 3 первые цифры вашего номера телефона(без всяких регионов и т.п.)
3. Умножаем на 80
4. Прибавляем 1
5. Умножаем на 250
6. Прибавляем 4 последние цифры вашего номера телефона
7. Прибавляем 4 последние цифры вашего номера телефона ещё раз
8. Отнимаем 250
9. Делим на 2
10. Медленно офигеваем....
четверг, 29 января 2009
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Oh yes. New part.
I needed to make a new post because of that. Why? New part.
And the name of the part - Meet the Parents? awesome! *huggles the new part*
Btw, link is here.
I needed to make a new post because of that. Why? New part.
And the name of the part - Meet the Parents? awesome! *huggles the new part*
Btw, link is here.
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Закрытая запись, не предназначенная для публичного просмотра
среда, 28 января 2009
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Закрытая запись, не предназначенная для публичного просмотра
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I lurve Sheldon!!!!
it'd be hard to have such friend in real life, I bet, but I am charmed by him))
I've watched The Big Bang Theory 2x04 'The Griffin Equivalency' yesterday.
I laughed so hard. Smiling Sheldon is so creepy)))
And Sheldon accidentally hitting on the guy was
The episode rocked!
Some quotes
Btw, you can find Sheldon' quotes here.
it'd be hard to have such friend in real life, I bet, but I am charmed by him))
I've watched The Big Bang Theory 2x04 'The Griffin Equivalency' yesterday.
I laughed so hard. Smiling Sheldon is so creepy)))
And Sheldon accidentally hitting on the guy was

The episode rocked!
Some quotes
Btw, you can find Sheldon' quotes here.
вторник, 27 января 2009
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Thanks to proofpudding for another beautiful vid.
vidlet: j2. "loosen up my buttons, babe."
summary: I can't seem to get you over here to help take this off. Jared POV. Total crack.
music: buttons. pussycat dolls.
size/format/length: 29.8MB, wmv, 1:53
DL is here.
I loved one moment in the end the most - Jared touching Jensen's chair and brushing his hand, from the con.
vidlet: j2. "loosen up my buttons, babe."
summary: I can't seem to get you over here to help take this off. Jared POV. Total crack.
music: buttons. pussycat dolls.
size/format/length: 29.8MB, wmv, 1:53
DL is here.
I loved one moment in the end the most - Jared touching Jensen's chair and brushing his hand, from the con.