Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
It was a good movie.
Besides me fangirling over Jeremy whose every movement was a kick to the ovaries.
Srsly, I bet every second of his appearance was intentionally and thoroughly planned.
For me, movie turned out better than I could hope for.
I wouldn't mind to see a sequel.
All actors were good, and it was non-stop action.

@темы: movies, The Avengers, Squee indeed!

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
...is fucking awesome! So much trolling.

"Hot" Magazine Interview excerpt with Colin Morgan and Bradley James (Guest Starring Origami)
I love brits, oh and irish guys as well.

Interviewer: is that how you pick up girls?
Bradley: I actually pick up girls with various displays of origami.
Interviewer: You do not.
Bradley: Yes, I do. It's quite a famous tactic here in England. The better you are at origami, the more women you attract.
Interviewer: And you're sure it's not because they recognise you from the show?
Colin: Well, generally they're too distracted by the origami.
Bradley: Yes. My house is origami. I've got a car that I drove here today that is made from origami.
Interviewer: It must be very environmentally friendly.
Bradley: Yeah, big time.
Interviewer: Alright, Colin, coming back to Merlin - do you believe in magic?
Colin: After watching Bradley drive around in his origami car, I believe in everything.
Interviewer: Okay. Do you own anything origami?
Colin: No, I'm an origami wannabe. I've actually started up a support group because some people have a deficiency in their systems where they can't actually fold things. I'm a part of that group, and it seems to affect people from Northern Ireland. Anyone prone to paper cuts shouldn't even enter the origami game. It's a rough industry and certainly if you don't have thick skin, you're going to lose.
Interview: Let us guess, we're your first interview of the day, aren't we?
Colin: Yes!
Interviewer: And this is how you like to start your day?
Bradley: ...I usually start my day with origami.

@темы: LMAO, actors


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
high five of ppl i love



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Adele won!!! YES! Swift was so pissed.
Also, guh! ROBEeeeeRT!
And Homeland and Damian won!

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Watching red carpet and becoming emotional.
After I will talk about the gowns. Because, srsly, wtf those beautiful women are wearing?!
Rachel Weisz, FYI, I still love you, even after this outfit.
Also, red is the color of this ceremony it seems. But so far, only Marion rocks it!

Anyway, for now I wanna scream because OMG, Benny and Robert! OMG!
OMGGGG! Two Sherlock's meeting eah other! Yay for that suggestion, interviewer!
Also, Adele!!! And Craig was with Rachel.
And pregnant Kristen Bell! So cute!
And Jeremy is hereeeeee!
Omg, Ewan looks so cool! And his accent!

P.S. yes, I updating the same post after seeing another celebrity.

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
First, book. Then, movie.
I think I loved the book better (which was amazing and sometimes overwhelming to read) but the author did a great job directing the movie himself and giving characters the same depth they had in the book.
Thanks Stephen Chbosky for not being disappointing.
It was hard to put every scene of the book into the movie and some scenes were left out but nevertheless he delivered the main struggles characters had to deal with.
I rec the book and movie both. It is something to remember after.

@темы: movies, rec, smth to read

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Hunger Games winning over The Avengers?
Seriously?! Like, seriously?!
I liked HG but the Avengers!!! What the hell?!

@темы: The Avengers


TCA 2013

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Please throw the link at me for downloading the whole ceremony when it comes out.

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Season One and season Two. Done and done.
Brilliant show.
But oh, so mean and raw. Thanks to Martin.
They have no pity on me or the couples I like.

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
C Новым Годом!
Будьте счастливы, достигайте успехов, окружайте себя хорошими людьми и прекрасными впечатлениями, живите и никогда не оглядывайтесь назад.

@темы: dear f-list

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin

@темы: John&Scott

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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Oh yeah. Started watching.
First episode hooked me right away.

@темы: game of thrones


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