Before tumblr: Wow that's sad After tumblr: MY CREY ASJGLJGFFS I CAN'T, I CAN'T. I DON'T KNOW WHAT MY EMOTIONS ARE DOING RIGHT NOW Before tumblr: He's cute After tumblr: YOU FLAWLESS BEING. I am offended BY YOUR FACE. NOW GET IN MY BED Before tumblr: Oh a new picture from that movie that's coming out After tumblr: DEAR GOD WE HAVE A NEW STILL I HAVE TO MAKE GRAPHICS. WHERE DID THIS PICTURE COME FROM ASKLHSDGLKJH Before tumblr: I'm bored After tumblr: guise guise guise talk to me send me perverted things I won't judge you Before tumblr: What a cute couple After tumblr: I SHIP THEM SO HARD IT HURTS
I am a proud owner of one new coat and three new dresses. No, you don't want to know how many coats and dresses I already have. Not enough, apparently.