READ MOREA few moments ago Sweden’s Supreme Court announced its decision not to grant leave to appeal in the long-running Pirate Bay criminal trial. This means that the previously determined jail sentences and fines handed out to Peter Sunde, Fredrik Neij, Gottfrid Svartholm and Carl Lundström will stand.
November 2010, the Swedish Court of Appeal found three people behind The Pirate Bay guilty of criminal copyright infringement offenses.
Although Fredrik Neij, Peter Sunde and Carl Lundström all had their prison sentences decreased from the levels ordered at their original 2009 trial, they were ordered to pay increased damages amounting to millions of dollars to the entertainment company plaintiffs.
Hoping to overturn the ruling, the three filed for a hearing of their case at the Supreme Court. Today this request was denied, meaning that the sentences as determined by the Court of Appeal are now final.
Despite the fact that sentences are now final, The Pirate Bay website remains online as it was not part of the legal proceedings. However, a few hours after the Supreme Court decision was made public, The Pirate Bay website started redirecting to a .se domain, fearing a possible seizure from the US authorities.
Although it’s clear that The Pirate Bay lost a battle today, the above statements signal that the war is far from over.
Benedict, Jonny Lee Miller and Danny Boyle are back on stage with Frankenstein. It starts from June, and c'mon! I can't go to London this June. I hoped for the late autumn.
Stupid Andrew, with his stupid voice, and his stupid British accent, and his stupid words (i hate when you say "are loved"), and his stupid gestures, and his stupid, stupid hair, and his stupid dance moves. So, this is video of Andrew doing charity.
Everybody is working their asses off rehearsing "Death Of A Salesman", and what the fuck are you doing, asshole?! Don't you think that Spiderman PR is way too much?! I don't remember you being that handsy with Shannon. That much PDA hurts my eyes.
I kept reading stories, but not rec'ing. And this one deserves much more attention, because it is painful in a beautiful way where you have to pause and breathe out the intensity of it.
Title: call to me with words i never knew Author: forsanethaec Pairing: Mark/Eduardo Length: 43,800 words Rating: NC-17 after a while Summary: In which Mark learns how to make a friend, and then learns a little more. (AU)