What happened and why did the celebrities stopped wearing good outfits?! Another Golden Globe year of horrible and questionable outfits.
The only dress I liked was Jessica Alba's, and I don't even like her. I liked Rooney (more Rooney than dress) and I'm totally not objective on this one. I have doubts about Charlize Theron's dress. If not her, it'd look horrible.
Others - awful, doubtful or just bluh! And dear Sarah, wtf was that dress?!!!
"One day we were in the make-up trailer and someone was brushing out Benedict’s stunt double’s wig - and we decided to put Martin in it. We put Sherlock’s coat on him and stood him on top of one of the make-up chairs so he looked tall and took the photo from low down. And when Benedict came in we got the make-up assistant to ask him to autograph the photograph. She handed it over - and this is how Benedict’s mind works - and he went “I don’t remember wearing my coat with that colour scarf".
Everyone is like 'yay for GG 2012', and my fandom is one motherfucking SOB wailing over the last year. Shit! Can we go back to happy times? I want it BACK!
If you're Sherlock fan and your heart wasn't bleeding over this video, smth is wrong with you. tick tock goes the clock, he killed the Hound and mocked Her. tick tock goes the clock, till Sherlock leaves his doctor.
Jesse: I’m only going to wear my pants for the rest of my life. Andrew: Just … just your pants? Jesse: Yeah. ‘Cause I’ve been travellin— Andrew: We’ll draw—we could paint on a bow-tie, onto your skin.