It's not that our love died Just never really bloomed
Well I can't let go No, I can't let go of you You're holding me back without even trying to. I can't let go I can't move on from the past Without lifting a finger you're holding me back.
That awkward moment when Tom Felton writes about turning 24 and you're like, shit! Only 24?! But I guess girls on tumblr are more like, OMG, he's 10 years older than me! So old! Unfair!
My whole TSN fandom is already crying over Armie being heartbroken, and those "I need you" words always make my fandom weep. Yes, we can't wait for J. Edgar.
Took this picture on my way home. Dear TSN fandom, I'm gonna make an organizational post soon and then, hooray for Jesse. Try not to pass out in public. The only question: what the hell?! I wanted that poster with Jesse!!!
TSN BB is full of witty, intelligent and intense stories. It makes me proud and happy. Title: Your Bed's Too Big For The Room It's In Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Mark/Eduardo Word count: 15,700 Summary: Mark needs Eduardo, so he hires people to kidnap him from Singapore
She made another vid, and it Sufjan Stevens. And it sets such a perfect mood.
Title: my escape Vidder: mitsucat2010 Character/Pairing: Andrew/Jesse Song: Futile Devices Artist: Sufjan Stevens Summary: Andrew escapes to Jesse's place when he is troubled. It's ritual. Jesse is troubled when Andrew leaves. It's torture.