I knew it'd be perfect, I just had no idea how much.
Title: feels like we could escape Rating: nc-17 Pairing: mark/eduardo Warnings: none that I can think of. irresponsible humans? a fair amount of sex? Word count: 12,885 Summary: in which mark decides not to choose between facebook and eduardo, and goes on a multi-national roadtrip instead.
Title: Meet me in New York (1/2) Pairing: Andrew/Jesse Rating: NC-17 (not this part) Word count: ~7,300 Disclaimer: I own nothing Warnings: Andrew and Jesse being their adorable selves. Summary: This is a story about Andrew coming to New York to shoot the new Spider-Man movie and Jesse being happy to see his best friend. This is also a story about Jesse realizing he's in love with said best friend.
INTERVIEWER: Do you worry at all about being typecast? JESSE EISENBERG: No, I couldn’t care less about how I’m perceived by others because I’m not in control of that. I’m only in control to pursue something that I like, and then when I’m doing it, do it in the way that I feel most comfortable. If people perceive me a certain way or label me a certain way, then that’s for them to figure out. While they’re masturbating. Online. You know what I mean? Like, people write mean things about you online — then they masturbate.
Holy shit. I had to rec this. Hot angry sex. Do you love hot angry sex like I do?!))
Pairing: Mark/Wardo Word count: 737 For this request: They're one of those couples who do nothing but fight and fuck. I want screaming rows, throwing beer bottles at the walls and all that shit. Driving their friends crazy because they don't know why they stay together when they make each other so miserable but then they always make up with amazing, mind blowing sex.
Hey Joe, come and make my life better for me stop tearing over not going to Asuncion thing. This time, it's gonna be fanvid. Joe as Dustin. Dustin/Chris vid as they're totally my secondary TSN OTP.
This is nice. They took one of my fave movies, though the vidder fucked with editing girls out. Anyway, jewnicorns FTW. And I want this to be a movie. So yeah.
You stupid authors who write jewnicorn stories with angsty ending, how can you?! I hate your stories!
And thanks to my flist for not knowing and posting anything related Emma. 'Coz it's just arghfuckershateyouandyourhet, GTFO my OTP. And I don't wanna start hating Emma, 'coz she's okay.
P.S. also, he's driving mini, and I'm kinda starting to like this car more.
You don't need to understand this post, I'm just full of emotions *practically sobs* don't touch my OTP.
I don't need your updated stuff. Just tell me, why you're so fucked up? Just keep working the old way, I don't give a darn as long as I can post texts and don't see them screwed up to hell when I wanna edit them. Working properly would be good for a change.
I'm making masterpost of all my fics at LJ. I should have done this sooner. Apparently, way too many stories were posted by me during last 4 and half yrs.