Don't ask why.
четверг, 25 августа 2011
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I'm glad that I'm the only one in my diary flist who posts so often about jewnicorn and TSN *sighs happily*
Don't ask why.
Don't ask why.
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
So, after blowing up tumblr with this art I came to you.
You won't be excited as my fandom, still!
This is so fucking amazing that I wanna sob.
Mark/Wardo or Andrew/Jesse *million hearts*
You won't be excited as my fandom, still!
This is so fucking amazing that I wanna sob.
Mark/Wardo or Andrew/Jesse *million hearts*
среда, 24 августа 2011
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Oh, my fandom is fucking tragic Greek story and we need more happy art in our lives!

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
That awkward moment when the fic you're currently working on is open (as Word file) because you hope you get time to write a line or two, and then, you totally forget about it.
Your colleague comes to talk to you, and you open for her some Word file to check client' data, and boom, your fic opens up for her to see (which was totally forgotten by you as you work with Excel files), and you blink at it in shock before shutting down.
After your colleague walks away, you go and check your text for the words she could catch, and of course, you find words lube and condoms in that part.
I do hope she couldn't catch the words though(( shit!
Your colleague comes to talk to you, and you open for her some Word file to check client' data, and boom, your fic opens up for her to see (which was totally forgotten by you as you work with Excel files), and you blink at it in shock before shutting down.
After your colleague walks away, you go and check your text for the words she could catch, and of course, you find words lube and condoms in that part.
I do hope she couldn't catch the words though(( shit!
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
вторник, 23 августа 2011
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Dance, ppl, let's dance!
Multifandom vid, hooray!
Title: Hello • Multifandom | 100th vid Celebration
Vidder: MissLyraGW
Multifandom vid, hooray!
Title: Hello • Multifandom | 100th vid Celebration
Vidder: MissLyraGW
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
23.08.2011 в 21:34
Пишет Narcissa_Malfoy:СЛЭШКОН-ОСЕНЬ 2011
отметьте эту дату в своем календаре и ничего другого на нее не планируйте))

Подробная информация будет, как обычно, ближе к дате.
URL записиДрузья,
отметьте эту дату в своем календаре и ничего другого на нее не планируйте))

Подробная информация будет, как обычно, ближе к дате.
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Oh, I had to make post of this.
My fave kink.
Jess and his killer!Andrew

god i hope i didn’t talk to him so long i know how andrew gets when i talk to someone too long let me check and see where he is. shit he’s probably already out sharpening knives
My fave kink.
Jess and his killer!Andrew

god i hope i didn’t talk to him so long i know how andrew gets when i talk to someone too long let me check and see where he is. shit he’s probably already out sharpening knives
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
The only place I feel weird of not following ppl back is tumblr.
Well, taking 4 example LJ, I don't even remember 90% of ppl I friended back in time (10% are my RL friends), I don't even check my flist there, and the ones who are not friends of mine, I don't even want to check who they are. Sometimes, I wonder though why I'm still in their flist.
I guess they wanna keep track of my writing as it is mostly the only thing I post there.
But when it comes to tumblr, all my followers seem like such sweethearts (maybe it has to do smth with them being young and not bitchy) and I feel like a cold heartless bitch of not following them back *sighs*

Well, taking 4 example LJ, I don't even remember 90% of ppl I friended back in time (10% are my RL friends), I don't even check my flist there, and the ones who are not friends of mine, I don't even want to check who they are. Sometimes, I wonder though why I'm still in their flist.
I guess they wanna keep track of my writing as it is mostly the only thing I post there.
But when it comes to tumblr, all my followers seem like such sweethearts (maybe it has to do smth with them being young and not bitchy) and I feel like a cold heartless bitch of not following them back *sighs*

понедельник, 22 августа 2011
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
This is hilarious!
For all Star Wars geeks like me out there.
For all Star Wars geeks like me out there.
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
After today's jewnicorn turmoil, I'm up for grand jewnicorn post.
So, if you're interested in them, hop on.

ATTENTION: JEWNICORN love overloaded!
So, if you're interested in them, hop on.

ATTENTION: JEWNICORN love overloaded!
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Shit. Jewnicorn news in the morning?
I need to gather myself and go to work.
yeah *screams inside*
UPD: I'm gonna be walking with a stupid smile on my face the whole day.
I need to gather myself and go to work.
yeah *screams inside*
UPD: I'm gonna be walking with a stupid smile on my face the whole day.
воскресенье, 21 августа 2011
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin

“I’ve never, ever seen a scene, an actor in a film, maintain that focus and intensity and emotional breadth the way Andrew did that day. It was shocking, it was intimidating, and it was inspiring and made for an uncomfortable car ride home together, because he stirred me so, so deeply. As phenomenal as it is to watch in the movie, it was exhilarating to experience. And frightening, frankly.”
-- Jesse Eisenberg
суббота, 20 августа 2011
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I think tumblr hates me today.
But our domestic fight ended up with me posting the beginning of my jewnicorn story despite his attempts to prevent it.
It means, I won. Yay!
In honor of Bambi birthday, and to my dear friend (this story is actually written for her), I present a small part of the story.
Link to fic
But our domestic fight ended up with me posting the beginning of my jewnicorn story despite his attempts to prevent it.
It means, I won. Yay!
In honor of Bambi birthday, and to my dear friend (this story is actually written for her), I present a small part of the story.
Link to fic
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
My read more cut on tumblr stopped working.
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Ohh, I wrote their love confession.
They are so amazing.
I'm practically sobbing, I'm so happy for them.
*loves her characters*
They are so amazing.
I'm practically sobbing, I'm so happy for them.
*loves her characters*
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Dear Andrew, we heard you're in NY for your b-day.
If this is truth, Jesse can't wait to present your birthday gifts.
Love you.
Happy celebration!
28 is a good number after all))

If this is truth, Jesse can't wait to present your birthday gifts.
Love you.
Happy celebration!
28 is a good number after all))

пятница, 19 августа 2011
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Becoss it makes my heart swell.
There's should be crying gif of some girl as well))

There's should be crying gif of some girl as well))
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
And you'll break our hearts.
Oh, Jesse.

Oh, Jesse.

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I'm well aware that you, like, have to be in TSN fandom to appreciate the preciousness of this picture and comments, but this is the truth behind the story and I'm so glad to see his.
CLICK 4 FB founders
CLICK 4 FB founders