I wanted to post this a few months ago, and I kept forgetting to)) I love how they paid attention to every detail, including real Mark' outfits. So accurate!
brenda: why does jesse hate me? andrew: he doesn’t hate you. he just…he wanted it to just be me and him tonight but it’s fine brenda you can stay jesse: disney bitch
Now, Boston live chat that just passed. Okay, it was nice, I didn't participate, but it was fun seeing fans probing Jesse for Andrew)) Also, they picked the lamest questions(( Boston live chatAE Producer:
Hello, Boston.com readers. The room is now open, so feel free to start submitting questions for Jesse and Nick. They will begin chatting at about 3:30 p.m. Thanks!
Comment From Marla
Nick Swardson, what made you do the transition from comedian to comedian/actor? BTW huge fan and I love you!!!!!
Nick Swardson:
Thank you, Marla. I always wanted to do both. Stand up and acting. I admired Woody Allen and Steve Martin and Adam Sandler growing up so it was always a dream of mine. xoxo
Comment From Courtney
Nick Swardson, what do you find to be the hardest part of being in Hollywood and traveling? Also, it is my birthday therefore it is necessary for you to answer this!!!
Nick Swardson:
Happy birthday, Courtney!!! Traveling sucks get I get sick easily on planes. Brutal. Hollywood isn’t hard. If I said it was I would be an asshole. Cops and fireman and men and women in the armed services have hard jobs and lives.
Comment From Ariana
Jesse, what was your favorite scene to film?
Comment From squintlovely
For both Jesse and Nick, in light of the movie’s bomb-themed vest: if you could blow up anything, what would it be?
Nick Swardson:
I huge sex doll. Oh, you meant with a bomb?
Jesse Eisenberg:
Dear Ariana, In the movie, Aziz Ansari and I are forced to rob a bank and we were anticipating shooting that scene over the course of the movie, so it was a relief to finally film it for us as actors as well as our characters.
Comment From squintlovely
For Nick: Who do you think would win in a foot race? Aziz or Jesse?
Nick Swardson:
Jesse. I always feel like he’s about to take off at any moment when we’re hanging out.
Comment From Brokenbil
Nick, if you were to make “Boner Soup,” who would you cast? Would there be a part for Jesse?
Comment From Billie
This is for Jesse. Do you have a favorite band? And how was it like to work with Aziz?
Nick Swardson:
Great question. Jesse would be the broth. The rest of the cast would be Daniel Day Lewis, Ralph Machio, Abraham Lincoln’s ghost and Gizmo from Gremlins.
Comment From listentokelly
To both Jesse and Nick, out of the actors and actresses you’ve worked with, which are ones you would like to work with again in the future?
Jesse Eisenberg:
Hi Billie, i grew up listening to musical theater so I don’t know too many bands (or have any friends from high school). Aziz is very funny, obviously, and endlessly creative.
Nick Swardson:
Aniston. Hands down. Funny, sweet and gorgeous.
Comment From krissten
Nick: Seriously, who farted. Jesse: You are not typically known for comedy. Did you feel intimidated when you found out that Aziz, Nick, and Danny (funny dudes) were cast in the film. I think you’re funny, btw.
Jesse Eisenberg:
I was going to say Nick Swardson. but he said jennifer aniston
Nick Swardson:
Krissten, you farted!!!!!!!
Comment From Brokenbil
Nick, what was it like working on Art School Confidential? Did you get to meet Daniel Clowes? Do you know his twisted comics book Eightball? They got me through my senior year in college.
Comment From Kristie
Question for Jesse, have you seen any of Nick’s stand up shows?
Nick Swardson:
Art School was great. Daniel is amazing. That movie was really fun. Loved the cast and Terry Zwigoff the director.
Comment From Kristie
Question for Nick, do you have any cats/pets?
Jesse Eisenberg:
Hi Kristie, I am nick’s biggest fan. in fact, the only thing that remains in the bedroom that i grew up in is a headshot of nick, because i got a signed picture of him 15 years ago, memorized all of his comedy and passed it off as my own
Nick Swardson:
No. I travel too much. I also I am afraid to love stuff with fur.
Comment From Shiro
>JESSE AND NICK What was the hardest for you guys while filming this movie?
Jesse Eisenberg:
Dear Shiro, it was hard to avoid laughing with Nick because he is so funny and types very quickly
Comment From Megan Tan
Dear Jesse, what’s your favourite musical?
Nick Swardson:
Not laughing and not being blown up by a flame thrower. And not laughing at the fact that I was blown up by a flame thrower.
Comment From Brokenbil
Nick, have you played any Boston comedy clubs? I’m assuming you done The Comedy Connection, but did you play any smaller clubs on your way up?
Jesse Eisenberg:
Hi Megan, i like the musical pacific overtures. Do you know it?
Nick Swardson:
I only did the Connection in town. I have done a billion colleges. BC and BU. And I did a theater last time I toured here.
Comment From Shiro
>NICK What is the difference between this role and the roles you have played before?
Comment From ImSamBell
Jesse: What’s going on with the Zombieland sequel? Is that still a thing?
Nick Swardson:
This is a little more serious. It’s not so much comic relief as really trying to hold the movie together.
Comment From SueReon
Both Nick. Jesse. Are you guys typing right next to each other?
Jesse Eisenberg:
Hi ImSamBell, you have the same name as my uncle. I don’t know anything about zombieland and I imagine it is getting increasingly difficult to make as time passes. thank you for your interest
Nick Swardson:
Yes. But Jesse is nude wearing a beret.
Comment From And
Question to you both: What was your favorite film/project to have worked in so far?
Nick Swardson:
Grandma’s Boy.
Jesse Eisenberg:
I just took the beret off, nick. turn around
Comment From amber
Jesse and Nick, why are you so wonderful?
Nick Swardson:
We aren’t Amber. You are. (I start to slowly weep whispers)
Comment From Jeslaw94
Nick I loved your work on Reno 911!
Jesse Eisenberg:
hi amber, i was in a freak accident
Nick Swardson:
Thanks. I miss that show.
Comment From Jen
To Jesse and Nick: Do you guys have a favourite TV show?
Nick Swardson:
Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire.
Comment From Chris
Nick, you’re freaking hilarious. that’s all there is to it.
Comment From Jacqueline
JESSE: How different is it working on ‘The Living Wake’ to going something like ‘30 Minutes’? Also, possibly father my children?
Nick Swardson:
Thanks, Chris.
Comment From Shivani
Jesse and Nick: What was your favorite line from the movie?
Nick Swardson:
I improved a line where Danny asks me if I am gay for Jesse’s character and I replied, ” well, if loving money is gay than I am Elton Jonh. ”
Jesse Eisenberg:
Hi Jacqueline, the living wake is wonderful, and was my favorite on set experience. As far as your children, I don’t even know them, so difficult to answer now.
Comment From Steve D
Nick, Where’s my Dre CD?
Nick Swardson:
Comment From Jason
Nick Ive loved you since grandmas boyyyyyy you rock too!
Nick Swardson:
Thanks, Jason. Grandma’s Boy for life!!
Comment From Brokenbil
Nick, bring any roman candles on the plane to Boston?
Nick Swardson:
Yep. Thousands.
Comment From SueReon
Jesse and Nick. Where are you now?
Nick Swardson:
In Dubai in a pent house typing on an albino elephant.
Jesse Eisenberg:
hi suereon, we’re in room 208.
Comment From kavita
How was it like working with Aziz Ansari?
Nick Swardson:
Who is Aziz Ansari?
Comment From Consuelo Román
Nick and Jesse; Favorite book?
Nick Swardson:
The Stranger by Albert Camus or Everyone Poops by Ghandi
Comment From Miriam
To Jesse and Nick, if you could have any super power what would it be and why?
Jesse Eisenberg:
hi Consuelo, I love nowhere man, by aleksander hemon
Nick Swardson:
To make anyone shit there pants at any time.
Comment From Michelle
Jesse and Nick, what are your favorite fruits?
Nick Swardson:
Skittles and Starbursts
Comment From krissten
Nick: I think they should make a Terry from Reno! 911 movie and Jesse should direct it. Thoughts?
Nick Swardson:
Done. Sold.
Comment From Michelle
Nick and Jesse: How’s your summer going so far?
Comment From Melissa
Jesse, what’s your favorite Ween song? (also: please never stop being so fabulous?)
Nick Swardson:
Mostly been working which is good and bad. But over all it’s great.
Jesse Eisenberg:
hey melissa — i love chocolate town, freedom of 76. You?
Comment From L
Jesse and Nick, what are your favorite books?
Nick Swardson:
Love Truman Capote
Comment From Steve D
NIck, First joke you told doing standup?
Nick Swardson:
Hey, everyone….what’s the deal with cats?
Comment From Sammi
Jesse and Nick, what was your favorite film to work on besides 30MOL?
Comment From monicanicole_
Where is my question at? I hate technology. Jesse I’m in a total jew fetish phase of my life. Let me show you around fenway. Who do you see in the world series?
Nick Swardson:
Grandma’s Boy
Comment From Bea
Jesse and Nick, what is something you want to be able to tell people but never had the chance to? WHY ARE MY QUESTIONS NOT GETTING PICKED; THEY’RE NOT SPAM
Jesse Eisenberg:
hi monicanicole_ I don’t want to be anybody’s fetish.
Nick Swardson:
I am made out of wood (wow, that felt good to finally say)
Comment From Sean M
lol I love all of the angry posters. Nick and Jesse - any past anger issues like some of these people?
Nick Swardson:
Not this degree but then again I have a normal sized penis and not a micro one.
Comment From listentokelly
Jesse and Nick: I know both of you have worked with many people. Do you try to maintain friendships with those people even after the project is done?
Nick Swardson:
Yeah. For sure. Except for Jesse!!!! DO NOT TELL HIM I SAID THAT- oh hey Jesse
Jesse Eisenberg:
but in your movie, Born To Be A Star, your character has a micro phallus
Comment From Emilia
What is the best experience you’ve had in relation to 30 minutes or less?
Comment From Mitchell
Jesse: Let’s run away together.
Jesse Eisenberg:
i have a bad knee
Nick Swardson:
Getting to know the cast better and becoming friends with Danny McBride.
Comment From lalaurasaurus
which type of bagel is your favorite, jesse and/or nick?
Nick Swardson:
Comment From Alissa
Jesse: This movie features an almost all-comedian cast. What did you notice about how they approached their roles that stuck out to you?
Comment From Jessica Eisenberg
Hi Jesse and Nick, have you ever been on a unicycle? I own a unicycle shop. Also, weird name similarity…
Nick Swardson:
I have never been on a unicycle. It’s on my bucket list though.
Comment From Brokenbil
Nick, who played Bowie in Almost Famous? Did he even look like Bowie?
Nick Swardson:
Kurt Cobain
Jesse Eisenberg:
Hi Alissa, the comedy in this movie is more naturalistic in tone, with the actors speaking in a realistic way in the context of a crazy situation so it’s not too different.
Comment From saintgoldie
This one is for Jesse and Nick - So what’s the deal with cats? If you can speak to the missing link between humans and aliens…
Jesse Eisenberg:
hi saintgoldie, cat’s are like friends who dont like you that much but also never leave. so it keeps us working
Nick Swardson:
Cats are the future of our evolution. I tried to lick my crotch all morning so that proves it.
Comment From Merry
hehe.. Nick you are a speed typer
Nick Swardson:
Yeah, kind of a boss
Comment From Ailsa
jesse, do you like british comedy?
Comment From Aina
Did you guys do a lot of improv in this movie?
Nick Swardson:
A lot
Comment From Tierney
Jesse and Nick, what are you guys looking forward to the most this year?
Nick Swardson:
Jesse Eisenberg:
Yes, I think the british office wonderful.
Comment From The Carrot
Nick, I bet I can take you in a typing competition. (Do those actually exist?)
Nick Swardson:
Yes, the nationals are in Iraq
Comment From Guest
Nick Swardson:
Thanks, brah. You da man!!!!!!
Comment From Selena
What is your favorite movie? Nick and jesse…
Nick Swardson:
Philadelphia 2
Nick Swardson:
Thanks for the questions everyone. You’re awesome. Check out 30 Minutes or Less and my other movie Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star. Drops Sept. 9th from the guys who made Grandma’s Boy
Jesse Eisenberg:
we have to go speak to people’s actual faces now. thank you for signing onto this for 30 minutes or less. and thank you for such nice questions — and only some mildly alarming attention
UPD. UPDATE!!! Attention. Half-naked Andrew *whimpers* My ovaries exploded. Too much fandom love for one day!
What did I do to you, Andrew?! Don't judge me, flist! I can't control this!
“One whole day was devoted to make sure there was nothing inappropriate showing in the crotch area of the suit. Andrew should be flattered that it took so long to get that part right!”
This is so unhealthy. I've got time till i see last part but i feel like i can start crying right now because THE END, ppl! Ohhh(( I think i didn't share this vid with you. Some Russian vidders are pretty good at making my drarry happy and sated)) Also, one of my face songs was used.
Title: Harry&Draco | My Sweet Prince Vidder: volchiha Character/Pairing: draco/harry Song: My Sweet Prince Artist: Placebo
Oh my. In my new story Jesse and Andrew are so adorable. I don't know how they do this, but I wanna hug them. There's no angst, ppl! And they manage to keep me on my toes and prevent all the angst. This is big))