Do you love Pride and Prejudice? Do you love The Social Network? You'd love this one then.
Be still, my heart. This one is correct. I need this.
Title: Social Pride and Network Prejudice Vidder: alexbl28 Character/Pairing: Mark/Wardo Summary: It is a truth universally acknowledged that any man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
I'm sorry *cries* I tried, I tried really hard not to post this interview, because that'd be enought TSN for today, but this interview is SO awesome!!! Jesse is trolling like crazy and I can't stop rewatching it and I love him SO much!
No, do not call ER, I'm perfectly fine. DO NOT CALL!! Put the phone down, flist!
Gosh, BigBang has started! They started posting the stories!!! *screams* And I'm like, yeah, I need to re-write some scenes, and finish the epilogue and maybe, write Xmas scene because it'd be so adorable before all this crazy angst comes along. Bitch, finish the story already!!! Everyone and their mother will cry their eyes out! What else do you want?! Finish it!
One part of me is laughing at another part. Laughing part will be represented by Andrew.
Another part doesn't give a shit and stares at new picture of Jesse' ass.
Okay, I'm glad I went to sleep. Stupid MTV shit. Let's sum this fucked-up thing up. Twilight took everything. Jesse was not there at all (sick cat or smth), and he should be representing Andrew's category, Andrew didn't win, our movie didn't win a thing, and Andrew vanished in the middle of the ceremony. He went to check on Jesse, I s'pose)) Anyway, I'll enjoy some pictures because Bambi was hot stuff (as always) and this show was always Twilight whore.
Okay, I have to wake up early 2morrow morning as there's still work after the weekend, and I want to watch MTV Movie Awards!!! Srsly, I was waiting so long for this! Jewnicorn addict inside me is dying.