
Song rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Death Cab for Cutie - A Lack of Color

If you feel discouraged
That there's a lack of color here


@темы: music to ur ears, rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I don't watch Dr.Who but I like the Eleventh, due to Mr.Smith and tumblr.

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
My sincere apologies.
I can't control such fangirl'ing moments.
Feel my pain.

Hey, charming!
He says No, I'm just kidding and only after, No, it's serious, not the other way around.
This is a very valuable information))

How come you find yourself unattractive? Look at your stupid perfect face!


@темы: Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg, jewnicorn

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I'm glad that my friends don't have a tendency of posting our personal pictures for general use.
Maybe that's why they are my friends anyway.

@темы: me myself and I

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I don't tell anyone about the way you hold my hand
I don't tell anyone about the things that we have planned
I won't tell anybody
They want to push me down
They want to see you fall

I don't need a parachute
Baby, if I've got you
I don't need a parachute
You're gonna catch me
You're gonna catch if I fall

@темы: Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg, jewnicorn

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
One of the things I love about this boy, well, obviously among many others things...
Andrew can be so adorable and charming...

and the next minute, he is like...

It reminds me of Jesse and his ability to be nice and sweet in one moment and talking about a vagina the next.

@темы: Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I was restraining myself from posting this and trying 2 be a nice cold-minded person, but who am I kidding?! I am total nutjob when it comes to ppl I adore.
Bonus, the movie is really good!

@темы: movies, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Judgin' by tumblr, they made my baby cry on that show. Again.
Just the gifs of Brooke giving away a baby make me wanna cry already (no, I don't watch the show), so I'm gonna post the pictures of smiling Soph.

@темы: Sophia Bush

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Oh, my poor heart.
Wardo, don't! And Marky, you're silly, silly boy!

@темы: The Social Network, Mark/Wardo

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I think it's best edited Sherlock fanvid.
Great job!

Title: Heroes don't exist
Vidder: KatrinDepp
Character/Pairing: Sherlock/John (or you can take it as geneal I s'pose)
Song: She spider
Artist: Mew

@темы: fan vid, Sherlock, Sherlock/John, rec


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I'm such a grammar nazi, it's batshit.
But c'mon, you're writing me one frigging word on FB, ONE FRIGGING word, why the fuck there is a mistake?! I'm not talking about mistypes here.
I'm sorry, I can't help it. Especially when some ppl do it all the fucking time!!!
Go back to fucking school and learn to write!

@темы: bitching, crying my heart out, Jesse Eisenberg, blah-blah, me myself and I

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Jesse is so smart and so funny and so cerebral and neurotic and vulnerable. You could look at Jesse’s face and you just want to engulf him and protect him from the world, this vulnerable creature.

-- Andrew Garfield

@темы: Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg, jewnicorn

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I always come to conclusion that Mark should come up with unlike button.
It'd be neat, not kind I guess, but it'd be adequate.

@темы: blah-blah, me myself and I

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin

@темы: Squee indeed!

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
This is so, SO adorable.


@темы: Sherlock, fan art

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Now we have official Jewnicorns song.
How amazing is that?! Mindblowing/fucking amazing? Pick one))


I need more Jewnicorns hotness in my life.

FOLLOW the cut if you're interested. Beware of hotness.

@темы: Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg, jewnicorn


Make a wish

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
A few years ago I made a post here wishing for someone to make Bangel vid on Tom Mcrae's My Vampire Heart.
Well, wishes do come true apparently.

Also, hey Universe, how about my wishing to fuck Chris Kane? Does this magic thing work only on long term wishes?
Coz this one totally fits))

Now, back to bangel fanvid. It's pretty good.

@темы: fan vid, Christian Kane, Angel, B&A 4 ever, Buffy

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Yay! My each evening's TSN related post.
Dear flist, I know you hate me, but I'm still gonna ramble about them, I can't control it, sorry.

So, Jesse got a role in Woody Allen's new movie. Funny thing is that it was always a question of time for Jesse' fans (yes, me included). Woody just didn't stand a chance))

Now, I'm in urge of a long business trip to Rome this summer.

My thoughts on those two...

ARE shared. Precisely. I'm glad I'm not being a loner bere))

@темы: Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg, jewnicorn