Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
My PC makes weird noises.
It's scary...

@темы: blah-blah, me myself and I


Oscars 2011

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I'm not even gonna comment on Oscars, I had my share on twitter and tumblr.
So, just fuck it.

@темы: me myself and I

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I can take a break from my twitter and tumbr 'coz both Jesse and Andrew took the celebrity fast lane.
You won't catch my red carpet's wild screams as I left them there.
Just FYI, they both are so frigging HOT.

Bambi-killer and his adorable victim

@темы: i'm a nutcase, no worries, Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg, jewnicorn

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Tragic love story.

Title: Please Don't Leave Me
Vidder: MissYourMaturity
Character/Pairing: Mark/Eduardo
Song: Please Don't Leave Me
Artist: Pink

@темы: fan vid, The Social Network, rec, Mark/Wardo

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Jesse attending Independent Spirit Award made tumblr explode.
No judging here as I'm way too enjoying this, and Jesse apparently.
If I knew how to blush, I would))

Cmon, just give him this Oscar!
I'm so invested in this, it's getting old.

CLICK 4 more Jesse and jewnicorn love

@темы: Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg, jewnicorn

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
27.02.2011 в 01:19
Пишет  Geroneja:

Life on a Facebook
Simply great:)

URL записи

@темы: The Social Network

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I've got a few very useful TSN links.
I want to keep it here for myself, but if anyone's interested in snagging 'em, be my guest.

This is a transcript of Aaron's The Social Network.
Thanks to Wisconsin Screenwriters Forum.

Jesse's latest audio interview, playing Not My Job game (including the transcript) can be found here.
I love his dry sense of humour.

@темы: The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
So, I basically want the following tingies:

>>>to see Andrew and Jesse
>>>for Jesse to win the Oscar
>>>to see Jesse tumbling over his speech and Andrew applauding him like crazy
>>>some dirty things I'm not willing to share))

@темы: i'm a nutcase, no worries, Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg, jewnicorn


Song rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Maybe I've rec'ed it be4, 'coz some songs get under your skin and never let go.
When a song gives away the artist's personal pain, you just feel it.

David Cook - Permanent

I know he's living in hell every single day
And so I ask, oh God is there some way for me to take his place?


@темы: music to ur ears, rec


SPN fic rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
It hits somewhat close to home.
Disturbing and a good one.

Title: The Solution to a Temporary Problem
Author: toxica939
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 5000ish
Warnings: Mentions of suicide. There's a happy ending, if that helps.
Summary: Jared gets out on a Wednesday. He has a lot of making up to do and a life he's forgotten how to live.

Link to fic.

@темы: J2, fiction, rec, supernatural, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
My admiration to Andrew and Jesse gets stronger.
I'm in awe of their talent and brilliance.
Despite how disturbing and a bit unsettling this is, I have hots for Andrew.
Sue me, Bambi is hot stuff.
His sex scenes helped as well))

MORE reasons for "I need a cold shower" under the cut

@темы: crazy in love, Andrew Garfield, The Social Network

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Gosh, I wanna see this movie.
Shallow part of me loves every line))
And Cameron's teacher reminds me a bit of myself, of my dark past as a teacher))
Not that I was this progressive, but my outfits and the way I was talking (like using condoms as a topic for exercises) were not typical teacher style))

Back to movie, I think it must be awkward to work with your ex.
Well, that's HW for you, way too small to avoid bumping into someone you've been fucking.

@темы: movies, LMAO, blah-blah

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I absolutely love the editing of this fanvid.
Amazing job.

Title: Unstoppable -- Sherlock BBC
Vidder: TimeLady628
Character/Pairing: Sherlock and John
Song: Unstoppable (Sherlock Holmes movie soundtrack)
Artist: ES Posthumus
Summary: A video dedicated to our favorite detective and his blogger.

@темы: fan vid, Sherlock, Sherlock/John, rec


Boy A

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I thought I wouldn't mention this movie but I want to.
It's so intense and outstanding.
Andrew gives one hell of a heartbreaking performance.
I stil can't shake off the emotions this movie put me through.

@темы: movies, Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, jewnicorn, rec


Song rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Some songs stay with you through the years.

Snow Patrol - You Could Be Happy

And all the things that I wished I had not said
Are played in loops 'till it's madness in my head


@темы: music to ur ears, rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
When you find an update to the story you've been hung up for the last few weeks, it's like birds are singing, sun is shining, everything is awesome and nothing hurts. Yeah.

So, there a new part to Carry it in my heart *sighs*

@темы: i'm a nutcase, no worries, crazy in love, fiction, jewnicorn, blah-blah, me myself and I

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I squeked and cried, and panicked at some moments.
Wonderful story!

Title: Don't Carry It All
Author: passe_simple
Pairing: Jesse/Andrew
Rating: No sex, but some off-color humor and references to sex
Word count: 25,000
Summary: This was supposed to be a cute, short AU based on The Truth About Cats and Dogs, where Jesse uses Justin's picture for online dating. Instead it's long, and of the genre I can only describe as "emotional porn." Have you seen this brilliant fake eHarmony ad? Check it out.

Link to fic.

@темы: fiction, The Social Network, jewnicorn, rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I have to say this even if I'm the only one to listen.
Not caring, mate, I'm okay with this))
I remember watching The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus and thinking that even though I love Heath and I came to see the movie 'coz of him, his character is a dick, and I'd prefer Anton over him any day.
Now that I've got myself involved with jewnicorns, I find it delightful that Anton was played by Andrew Garfield.

P.S. I miss Heath.

@темы: Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, jewnicorn, actors

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
"I keep thinking about this river somewhere, with the water moving really fast. And these two people in the water, trying to hold onto each other, holding on as hard as they can, but in the end it's just too much.The current's too strong.They've got to let go, drift apart. That's how I think it is with us. It's a shame ...Kath, because we've loved each other all our lives. But in the end, we can't stay together forever." (Tommy)

@темы: movies, Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, jewnicorn, rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
'Coz I can stare at this gif 4 hrs.

More goodies 4 myself under the cuts.

Jesse Eisenberg on Conan (11. 18. 2010)

TSN Live Chat with Andrew Garfield and Jesse Eisenberg, January 08, 2011

@темы: Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg, jewnicorn