Andrew, darling, this popcorn would not hurt Jesse, no need to come and stand in front of him, srsly!))
Jewnicorn quotesIt was also the first time for Spider-Man Andrew Garfield, who was at the ceremony for ‘The Social Network’ and said it made him nervous to be walking the carpet sans his co-stars. “I feel really uncomfortable,” he told Mary. “I’m looking for Jesse’s (Eisenberg) hand but it’s not there.
When we came back to LA I was miserable. Andrew has a girlfriend here, so he wouldn’t spend every minute with me… (Jesse Eisenberg, The Social Network DVD extras)
I have this, like, general sense of feeling like I don’t belong, though I talked to a lot of other people who I think of as very much belonging and they have the same feeling. So I think it’s a room full of insecure actors, which is ultimately comforting. (Jesse Eisenberg, speaking on his Oscar nomination at the Oscar Nominee Luncheon press conference)
I think above all else [The Social Network] is a love story. And something of a tragic one, I suppose. (Andrew Garfield)
And, me and Jesse- like, it was already there. You look at Jesse’s face and you kind of just want to engulf him and protect him from the world… He’s this vulnerable creature. And a wonderful, wonderful, brilliant mind and a brilliant actor. (Andrew Garfield on working with Jesse Eisenberg in The Social Network)
I care about him deeply, that was easy for me to do as I care about Jesse deeply and I cared about him as soon as I met him, because he just looked so fragile and vulnerable and as soon as you get to know him a little bit you admire him greatly in his brilliance. (Andrew Garfield on working with Jesse Eisenberg in The Social Network)
I mean, like, he had to repress a lot of his sexiness as well, which I think he found very difficult. (Andrew Garfield talking of Jesse)
*dies of happiness* So much love towards this vid. Title: Jesse & Andrew | strong feelings Vidder: 23booksagain Character/Pairing: Jesse & Andrew Summary: Thanks to tumblr I'm super obsessed with these two. I just needed to show you some of their love, Have you seen their interviews? Such an epic bromance.
Heartwrenching and amazing. Bonus, one of my fave songs.
Title: White Blank Page Vidder: lovestories Character/Pairing: Mark/Eduardo (Mark/Erica, Eduardo/Christy) Song: White Blank Page Artist: Mumford & Sons Summary: Where was my fault in loving you with my whole heart? DL: here
Finally! It was as amazing as I thought it would be. Brilliant acting! Sсript is so wonderful.
Matthew Perry, Allison Janney and Nate Torrence are totally AMAZING. Andrea Anders is a bit dull though, I hope they don't intend to make her new Harriet. And I think Portia Doubleday is more interesting than Andrea.
Well, HW couples keep divorcing and splitting up. This week we have Olivia Wilde and her husband (he is a prince, btw!), Jude Law and Sienna Miller (so, this one is which time 4 'em already?), and Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz (they were pretty cute together). Argh((
But, Cynthia Nixon and her wife welcomed a baby, yay for them!
I'm not a fan of DiCaprio, but the first shots of him as J. Edgar Hoover are awesome *is impressed*
Also, Andrew as a Spiderman is so hot *flails*
And yeah, I loved new J2 picture from the set *hearts 'em* Nope, you have it by now, I'm not gonna post it.
And flying high due to TSN fic I've mentioned earlier, I wanna rec this song.
The Perishers - Come Out Of The Shade
Take a step and come out of the shade I can tell you're no longer afraid I'm helpless without your warming smile
LyricsWas it love, or just something that reminded me of Something that felt a lot like, but wasn't, love Just friends, friends then, until the end You know I still pretend, just friends.
Take a step and come out of the shade I can tell you're no longer afraid I'm helpless without your warming smile Take a step and come out in the sun I can tell it's already begun I'm helpless without your warming smile
Was it love, I think it was but I'm far from sure I'd never felt that way before, was it love? Just friends, am I a fool to be asking for, a fool to wish that we could be more than friends
Take a step and come out of the shade I can tell you're no longer afraid I'm helpless without your warming smile Take a step and come out here in the sun I can tell it's already begun I'm helpless without you, Helpless without you, Helpless without your warming smile Your warming smile
This story is just an amazing and wonderful read. One of the best RPF stories I've read for a while regardless of fandom.
Title: Carry it in my heart Author: robin_pulaski Rating: will be NC17 eventually Pairing: Andrew Garfield/Jesse Eisenberg Summary: Dr. Jewnicorn, or how Jesse learned to stop worrying and love his costar.
It's WIP, but there 3 parts left and she keeps on writing.
Okay, I have to say this. I'm psyched over new Jensen, Jared and Jeffrey pictures. But, guys, c'mon! The picture with three of them together is fake. Don't you see that it was photoshopped?! Geez!
I decided to turn TV on, and boom, my man is right there. Well, that was a pleasant surprise. It was the end of the movie, so I tuned in in time to catch my man taking his clothes off)) Though, it was PG-ish scene, Chris turned it into full R is you ask me. He's awesome like that. This man makes my blood boil even if now he looks like a bum))
Sept 1979 TV mag: She and Tim have a three-year-old son, Benedict, an energetic handful who was treating the living room like a sports stadium when I visited Wanda at her Kensington flat.
Dean Winchester is the reason why Waldo is hiding.
Dean Winchester is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis.
Sam Winchester doesn’t read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
Dean Winchester isn’t cool, cool models itself after Dean Winchester.
Sam Winchester got a perfect score on his SAT’s, simply by writing Sam Winchester for every answer.
Dean Winchester died ten years ago, but no Grim Reaper can get up the courage to tell him.
When Dean Winchester does a pushup, he isn’t lifting himself up; he’s pushing the Earth down.
When Sam Winchester falls in water, Sam Winchester doesn’t get wet. Water gets Sam Winchester.
Dean Winchester is so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.
Sam Winchester doesn’t wear a watch; HE decides what time it is.
Dean Winchester gave Mona Lisa that smile.
Sam Winchester can slam a revolving door.
Dean Winchester does not get frostbite. Dean Winchester bites frost.
Sam Winchester can speak Braille.
Dean Winchester once visited the Virgin Islands. Now they are just The Islands.
Sam Winchester sleeps with a night light. Not because Sam Winchester is afraid of the dark, but because the dark is afraid of Sam Winchester.
Dean Winchester was originally cast as the main character in 24, but was replaced by the producers when he managed to kill every terrorist and save the day in 12 minutes and 37 seconds.
Sam Winchester once finished “The Song That Never Ends.”
Leading hand sanitizers claim they can kill 99.9 % of germs. Dean Winchester can kill 100 % of germs whenever the fuck he wants.
Sam Winchester can build a snowman out of rain.
Superman wears Dean Winchester pajamas.
Dean Winchester does not pop his collar; his shirts just get erections when they touch his body.
Dean Winchester puts the “laughter” in “manslaughter”
Dean Winchester has to have a concealed weapon license in all 50 states in order to legally wear pants.
When Sam Winchester gives you the finger, he’s telling you how many seconds you have left to live.
Dean Winchester’s watch has no numbers on it, it just says, “Time to Kick Ass”
Bill Gates lives in constant fear that Sam Winchesters computer will crash.
Dean Winchester once had a heart attack; his heart lost.
Sam Winchester once punched a man in the soul.
When Dean Winchester exercises, the machine gets stronger.
Sam Winchester was offered the role of Frodo in the Lord of the Rings. He declined, saying, “Only a pussy would need 3 movies to destroy a piece of jewelry.”
Dean Winchester does not use pickup lines, he simply says, “Now.”
The last digit of Pi is Sam Winchester.
When Dean Winchester enters a room, he doesn’t turn the light on, he turns the dark off.
The only time Sam Winchester was wrong was when he thought he made a mistake.
When Dean Winchester breaks the law, the law doesn’t heal.
Sam Winchester is actually Jeeves from
Elvis left the building because Dean Winchester showed up and told him to get the fuck out.
The answer to every mystery on Lost is Dean Winchester.
When Dean Winchester crosses the street, cars have to look both ways.
Dean Winchester does not “style” his hair.It lays perfectly in place out of sheer terror.
Dean Winchester looks at the clouds and they sweat fear. We like to call it rain.
Sam Winchester can be both an unstoppable force AND an immovable object.
Harry Potter was known as the Boy Who Lived, until he pissed off Sam Winchester
So many stories. So little time. I wonder how good they are. I'm not in the mood for checking each and every story, but the one that doodle wrote is "must read" I bet.