Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Andrew, darling, this popcorn would not hurt Jesse, no need to come and stand in front of him, srsly!))

Jewnicorn quotes

@темы: Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg, jewnicorn

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Whatever, I need to have it here *nods furiously*

Boys, Aaron is talking.
Stop flirting, giggling and making googly eyes at each other! Not that I didn't enjoyed this))
Get a room, you two!

@темы: Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg, jewnicorn, Squee indeed!

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Argh *is frustrated*
Now, I'm in deep with jewnicorn.
And tumblr helps with all my obsessions.
Such a nice and evil thing *glares at tumblr*

@темы: Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg, jewnicorn

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
*dies of happiness* So much love towards this vid.

Title: Jesse & Andrew | strong feelings
Vidder: 23booksagain
Character/Pairing: Jesse & Andrew
Summary: Thanks to tumblr I'm super obsessed with these two. I just needed to show you some of their love, Have you seen their interviews? Such an epic bromance.

@темы: fangirl' death, fan vid, Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg, jewnicorn, rec, Squee indeed!

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Heartwrenching and amazing.
Bonus, one of my fave songs.

Title: White Blank Page
Vidder: lovestories
Character/Pairing: Mark/Eduardo (Mark/Erica, Eduardo/Christy)
Song: White Blank Page
Artist: Mumford & Sons
Summary: Where was my fault in loving you with my whole heart?
DL: here

@темы: fan vid, The Social Network, rec, Mark/Wardo

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
It was as amazing as I thought it would be.
Brilliant acting! Sсript is so wonderful.

Matthew Perry, Allison Janney and Nate Torrence are totally AMAZING.
Andrea Anders is a bit dull though, I hope they don't intend to make her new Harriet.
And I think Portia Doubleday is more interesting than Andrea.

To sum it up: Yay Black kids!Mr. Sunshine!

@темы: TV, Squee indeed!

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Well, HW couples keep divorcing and splitting up.
This week we have Olivia Wilde and her husband (he is a prince, btw!), Jude Law and Sienna Miller (so, this one is which time 4 'em already?), and Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz (they were pretty cute together). Argh((

But, Cynthia Nixon and her wife welcomed a baby, yay for them!

I'm not a fan of DiCaprio, but the first shots of him as J. Edgar Hoover are awesome *is impressed*

Also, Andrew as a Spiderman is so hot *flails*

And yeah, I loved new J2 picture from the set *hearts 'em* Nope, you have it by now, I'm not gonna post it.

And let's add another squee of mine))

@темы: fandom can cause you trouble, crazy in love, Sherlock/John, Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, jewnicorn, actors, supernatural, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
This pretty thing makes me feel warm for a few days already, so, it has to be posted))
This is me, my happy ending of TSN and my squee sounds.

@темы: crazy in love, The Social Network, Mark/Wardo


Song rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
And flying high due to TSN fic I've mentioned earlier, I wanna rec this song.

The Perishers - Come Out Of The Shade

Take a step and come out of the shade
I can tell you're no longer afraid
I'm helpless without your warming smile


@темы: music to ur ears, rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
This story is just an amazing and wonderful read.
One of the best RPF stories I've read for a while regardless of fandom.

Title: Carry it in my heart
Author: robin_pulaski
Rating: will be NC17 eventually
Pairing: Andrew Garfield/Jesse Eisenberg
Summary: Dr. Jewnicorn, or how Jesse learned to stop worrying and love his costar.

It's WIP, but there 3 parts left and she keeps on writing.

Link to fic.

@темы: fiction, The Social Network, jewnicorn, rec


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Okay, I have to say this.
I'm psyched over new Jensen, Jared and Jeffrey pictures.
But, guys, c'mon!
The picture with three of them together is fake.
Don't you see that it was photoshopped?! Geez!

@темы: Jeffrey Dean Morgan, supernatural, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I guess I saw that one coming, but still, it caught me off guard.
Well, welcome to new fandom, bitch))

Title: [mark&eduardo] - ...I was your only friend
Vidder: RuslanaSlastena
Song: What If
Artist: Safetysuit

@темы: fan vid, The Social Network, rec, Mark/Wardo

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
"I’m CEO…bitch"
It wasn't fiction after all, along with Mark going to meeting wearing pajamas and a zip-line from the chimney.

Well, that's something!))

@темы: movies, The Social Network

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I decided to turn TV on, and boom, my man is right there.
Well, that was a pleasant surprise.
It was the end of the movie, so I tuned in in time to catch my man taking his clothes off))
Though, it was PG-ish scene, Chris turned it into full R is you ask me. He's awesome like that.
This man makes my blood boil even if now he looks like a bum))

@темы: Christian Kane, TV

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Gosh, I just had to post it.

Snagged from nightowl81

@темы: Sherlock, Sherlock/John

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Sept 1979 TV mag:
She and Tim have a three-year-old son, Benedict, an energetic handful who was treating the living room like a sports stadium when I visited Wanda at her Kensington flat.

@темы: Sherlock, Benedict Cumberbatch

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I love such things))

Guns don’t kill people. Dean Winchester kills people.

Sam Winchester counted to infinity. Twice.

Dean Winchester does not sleep. He waits.

Sam Winchesters smile once brought a puppy back to life.

MORE awesome stuff under the cut

Snagged from tumblr.

@темы: quoting, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, supernatural

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
So many stories. So little time.
I wonder how good they are.
I'm not in the mood for checking each and every story, but the one that doodle wrote is "must read" I bet.

Anyway, yay for SherlockBigBang

@темы: Sherlock, fiction, Sherlock/John, rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I gotta say that the actors who will play William and Kate are way prettier and hotter than the actual people))
Well hello, not!William!!!))

@темы: movies, actors