Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Для любимой детки Фри, которая очень хотела и для всех остальных.
Осторожно: спойлеры.
Взято отсюда: http://z14.invisionfree.com/Superna...ad8&act=idx
Особое спасибо самой фанатке impalaslut.
читать дальшеI attended the Asylum convention and was lucky enough to have one of the ten raffle tickets drawn to meet Jensen for a half hour chat in the coffee lounge. As nobody else has posted anything about it I thought you might like to know what went on. There are some spoilers up until the end of season 2
We were told that Jensen was running late at the autograph session and that we'd have to wait (suprisingly enough nobody got up and left!) so we had enough time to chat and calm down before he finally walked in.Memo to self -downing cups of coffee in rapid succession does not calm the nerves! Then the door opened and he came in with two of the security guards hovering in the background.
The man is breathtakingly gorgeous with a killer smile. He greeted us with, "I was expecting a room full of guys!" which broke the ice. He then asked how we were enjoying the con (no complaints) He told us how tired he was and that his body hadn't adjusted to UK time yet. He'd woken up at around 5am and hadn't been able to force himself back to sleep. I pointed out that those 15 hour working days he'd talked about were probably looking pretty good to him right then and he laughed and agreed.
We talked about the emotional scenes he'd been knocking out of the park all season and he said that when he was on DOOL that he'd been amazed how easily some of his female co stars had been able to switch on and off tears and that he'd always really have to work at it. I asked how difficult it was to sustain that kind of emotion in between camera set ups and he said that on Ep 21 he'd asked the crew to help him out. They were really quiet in between set ups and left him alone just to just be by himself. He'd also asked Kim Manners to reduce the number of camera shots he used. He complimented everyone on how helpful they'd been to him and that his mum had called him after seeing the show to say "you have to stop doing that to me" so I guess she cried too. He then went on to say that the scene at the end of CSPWDT was another very difficult scene for him. When they yelled cut, he just took off down the road by himself. Jared had gone after him and put his arm around him until Jensen had stopped shaking and crying, then he simply said, "great scene man". You could almost see ten female hearts melting like chocolate buttons on a hot stove!
He said he much preferred the action scenes and that when they were filming Ep 22 he and Jared were supposed to run through the graveyard and do a running slide to end up crouched behind a gravestone. He pointed out that Jareds legs were prety long and that he was in danger of getting a boot in the face so he suggested that he did a forward dive into a roll over the gravestone and then tuck down behind it. Kim Manners was all...'Great lets do that' and it was only as he walked away that Jensen realised he wasn't even sure if he could pull it off! (quote: 'after all I'm 29 now!') He and Jared get up an hour early each day to train and keep in shape for the fight scenes and they spend quite a bit of time rehearsing the moves.
I think this is how we led on to the subject of the amount of food Dean has eaten all season. He said it was ironic that Jared was the walking human trash can that never stopped eating and that he (Jensen) didn't eat that much. Apparently the sandwich he was eating in WIAWSNB was toasted and was tearing the corners of his mouth every time they did a take. He wasn't allowed to spit it out owing to the continuity of the scene and his chewing. He did say that on the season two gag reel for the dvd, there was a whole montage of Dean just eating.
We said that it was a shame that JDM couldn't be in that episode and he agreed but he had phoned him to tell him that, 'guess what, we killed you off...again!' It sounded like they had a great friendly teasing kind of relationship.
One of the girls said that there had been some discussion on the boards as to what Deans real hearts desire had been, to have his mum back or to just 'lay down his burdens and rest' He said that he'd discussed this with Eric and that Deans hearts desire was simply for that life defining moment (the demon killling his mum) to never have happened.
We discussed the possibility of the shows renewal and Jensen seemed quite hopeful. We told him how well the show does ratings wise in the UK and in Europe. He seemed to know all about it and said what a strong fan base they had and how much they appreciated it .He mentioned that he'd just been to Tokyo and had lots of great fan response to the show there. He did comment on the woman in charge of their network (can't remember her name -sorry!) and said that she 'just didn't get' their show. He said that she preferred 'America's Next Top Model' The look on his face as he said this almost made me laugh out loud...(think Deans exprеssion when he heard REO Speedwagon in the Roadhouse)I don't think he's a fan!
On his other acting roles we mentioned the complete about face of his character in Smallville and rather tactfully said that the writers had got a little turned around when they decided to make him bad and that they had about nine characters storylines to keep track of (Jensen is too nice..that's a writers job!) He wasn't at all sorry to be written out because he'd got the Supernatural role! He was really pleased when we told him that Alison Mack had said she'd love to work with him again though and said that he hadn't had too many scenes with her.
As far as Dark Angel was concerned, he said that he'd signed up for a third season but it had been cancelled at the last minute. Jensen didn't seem to be aware of any plans for the Alec storyline in season three that I'd read on the boards. He didn't think that the changes to the show in season two had appealed to viewers (he didn't mention how popular the character of Alec had been...what a suprise )
I just remembered that he said that Bobby would be around a bit more and that the introduction of the Roadhouse crew had been an attempt to lighten the boys workload but that Jo 'just hadn't really gelled' He did say that he felt sorry for Alana though because she was a really nice person.
All the time we were talking I couldn't help staring at the man. Hair, dark blonde (or light brown if you like) Beautiful mouth, LONG eyelashs and the prettiest green eyes I've ever seen (I'm an eye person, what can I say?) His legs are really long and he is very slim...not an ounce of fat on him in spite of all the food! The jumper he was wearing over a green shirt couldn't hide the fabulous shoulders. When he answers a question he stares directly at you and you simply melt... I also fell in love with Jared too because you could just feel the strong bond between them when Jensen talked about him.
The half hour flew by and one of the event organisers finally told him he needed to be elsewhere but he did finish answering the question he'd been asked and responded to another that arose from his answer before we finally left...leaving ten broken hearts and little puddles of goo on the floor of the coffee lounge where ten sensible adult women had once sat.
Осторожно: спойлеры.
Взято отсюда: http://z14.invisionfree.com/Superna...ad8&act=idx
Особое спасибо самой фанатке impalaslut.
читать дальшеI attended the Asylum convention and was lucky enough to have one of the ten raffle tickets drawn to meet Jensen for a half hour chat in the coffee lounge. As nobody else has posted anything about it I thought you might like to know what went on. There are some spoilers up until the end of season 2
We were told that Jensen was running late at the autograph session and that we'd have to wait (suprisingly enough nobody got up and left!) so we had enough time to chat and calm down before he finally walked in.Memo to self -downing cups of coffee in rapid succession does not calm the nerves! Then the door opened and he came in with two of the security guards hovering in the background.
The man is breathtakingly gorgeous with a killer smile. He greeted us with, "I was expecting a room full of guys!" which broke the ice. He then asked how we were enjoying the con (no complaints) He told us how tired he was and that his body hadn't adjusted to UK time yet. He'd woken up at around 5am and hadn't been able to force himself back to sleep. I pointed out that those 15 hour working days he'd talked about were probably looking pretty good to him right then and he laughed and agreed.
We talked about the emotional scenes he'd been knocking out of the park all season and he said that when he was on DOOL that he'd been amazed how easily some of his female co stars had been able to switch on and off tears and that he'd always really have to work at it. I asked how difficult it was to sustain that kind of emotion in between camera set ups and he said that on Ep 21 he'd asked the crew to help him out. They were really quiet in between set ups and left him alone just to just be by himself. He'd also asked Kim Manners to reduce the number of camera shots he used. He complimented everyone on how helpful they'd been to him and that his mum had called him after seeing the show to say "you have to stop doing that to me" so I guess she cried too. He then went on to say that the scene at the end of CSPWDT was another very difficult scene for him. When they yelled cut, he just took off down the road by himself. Jared had gone after him and put his arm around him until Jensen had stopped shaking and crying, then he simply said, "great scene man". You could almost see ten female hearts melting like chocolate buttons on a hot stove!
He said he much preferred the action scenes and that when they were filming Ep 22 he and Jared were supposed to run through the graveyard and do a running slide to end up crouched behind a gravestone. He pointed out that Jareds legs were prety long and that he was in danger of getting a boot in the face so he suggested that he did a forward dive into a roll over the gravestone and then tuck down behind it. Kim Manners was all...'Great lets do that' and it was only as he walked away that Jensen realised he wasn't even sure if he could pull it off! (quote: 'after all I'm 29 now!') He and Jared get up an hour early each day to train and keep in shape for the fight scenes and they spend quite a bit of time rehearsing the moves.
I think this is how we led on to the subject of the amount of food Dean has eaten all season. He said it was ironic that Jared was the walking human trash can that never stopped eating and that he (Jensen) didn't eat that much. Apparently the sandwich he was eating in WIAWSNB was toasted and was tearing the corners of his mouth every time they did a take. He wasn't allowed to spit it out owing to the continuity of the scene and his chewing. He did say that on the season two gag reel for the dvd, there was a whole montage of Dean just eating.
We said that it was a shame that JDM couldn't be in that episode and he agreed but he had phoned him to tell him that, 'guess what, we killed you off...again!' It sounded like they had a great friendly teasing kind of relationship.
One of the girls said that there had been some discussion on the boards as to what Deans real hearts desire had been, to have his mum back or to just 'lay down his burdens and rest' He said that he'd discussed this with Eric and that Deans hearts desire was simply for that life defining moment (the demon killling his mum) to never have happened.
We discussed the possibility of the shows renewal and Jensen seemed quite hopeful. We told him how well the show does ratings wise in the UK and in Europe. He seemed to know all about it and said what a strong fan base they had and how much they appreciated it .He mentioned that he'd just been to Tokyo and had lots of great fan response to the show there. He did comment on the woman in charge of their network (can't remember her name -sorry!) and said that she 'just didn't get' their show. He said that she preferred 'America's Next Top Model' The look on his face as he said this almost made me laugh out loud...(think Deans exprеssion when he heard REO Speedwagon in the Roadhouse)I don't think he's a fan!
On his other acting roles we mentioned the complete about face of his character in Smallville and rather tactfully said that the writers had got a little turned around when they decided to make him bad and that they had about nine characters storylines to keep track of (Jensen is too nice..that's a writers job!) He wasn't at all sorry to be written out because he'd got the Supernatural role! He was really pleased when we told him that Alison Mack had said she'd love to work with him again though and said that he hadn't had too many scenes with her.
As far as Dark Angel was concerned, he said that he'd signed up for a third season but it had been cancelled at the last minute. Jensen didn't seem to be aware of any plans for the Alec storyline in season three that I'd read on the boards. He didn't think that the changes to the show in season two had appealed to viewers (he didn't mention how popular the character of Alec had been...what a suprise )
I just remembered that he said that Bobby would be around a bit more and that the introduction of the Roadhouse crew had been an attempt to lighten the boys workload but that Jo 'just hadn't really gelled' He did say that he felt sorry for Alana though because she was a really nice person.
All the time we were talking I couldn't help staring at the man. Hair, dark blonde (or light brown if you like) Beautiful mouth, LONG eyelashs and the prettiest green eyes I've ever seen (I'm an eye person, what can I say?) His legs are really long and he is very slim...not an ounce of fat on him in spite of all the food! The jumper he was wearing over a green shirt couldn't hide the fabulous shoulders. When he answers a question he stares directly at you and you simply melt... I also fell in love with Jared too because you could just feel the strong bond between them when Jensen talked about him.
The half hour flew by and one of the event organisers finally told him he needed to be elsewhere but he did finish answering the question he'd been asked and responded to another that arose from his answer before we finally left...leaving ten broken hearts and little puddles of goo on the floor of the coffee lounge where ten sensible adult women had once sat.