Jeffrey Dean Morgan will attend Supernatural Rising Con 2011. Srsly? He will? That'd be his first SPN con. Daddy, I love you, but how come? I guess money was good.
I was going through the pictures from the red carpet of SAG Awards 2011, and OMG, it's way worse than Golden Globe was. Did they decide to start picking the outfits by themselves now? And if so, whyyy? Please don't! Keep on acting, it's what you do. If not, please fire your stylists. The only outfit I'd give an "A", was Hilary Swank's. The woman is not pretty, but at least this outfit suits her pretty well. Julianna Margulies was looking really good, happy and in love, I loved her walking down the red carped with her handsome husband. Their eyes were shining and they were so good together. As to Kim Kardashian, what is she even doing there???!! This reality star is getting on my nerves. You look trashy, darling, no matter what you choose to wear.
There are plenty of bangel AU vids floating around YT due to SMG/DB new projects, but I find this one pretty good and kinda comforting in some way.
Title: AU {B/A} - Bangel/Booth - Nobody Said It Was Easy Vidder: addictedtotelevision Song: The Scientist Artist: Coldplay Summary: B has been dreaming or reliving A's last moments in Not Fade Away and after finding out he's alive rushes to see him. She watches him from afar, first at a bar and then at his house but doen't have the nerve to actually talk to him. As she isdriving home she sees Connor. They talk and she realises Conner knows that she's been watching A and asks him if he will tell A. He says he won't and that he's grateful that she's looking out for him. She eventually goes and meets A and asks him if he ever found anyone else. He tells her that after he lost B, living just means surviving. B, as B always does runs, cause she can't deal with it right now. She later finds an old album and reminices causing her to go see A/Booth in his office. She spills all the feelings she's been bottling up and there is a hppy ever after.
Well, CW, fans are so not happy about you treating them bad and notifying about rescheduling of SPN the last minute. Fans can be such sobs when they want)) I find it sweet how all the fans forgot their fighting and teamed up against you, CW. Please have another fanvid))
Title: hey Did What!? (Reaction to CW bumping SPN) Vidder: ash4897
So all SPN fans know about CW rescheduling of Supernatural to February 4th, all the bitching and moaning was all over the internet. And I love the fans for coming up with some awesome creative things. Famous Hitler video was used one more time. Hilarious.
Title: Hitler finds out about the CW's schedule change Vidder: tiptoe39
Not a first time for me listening to this song, but it finally got to me.
Better Than Ezra - In The Blood
How can you know what I feel? Well, it's the way you move your hands, and it's the way you understand.
LYRICSHow can you be so warm? How can you know what I feel? Well, it's the way you move your hands, and it's the way you understand.
[CHORUS:] And that's the reason that I'm asking. That's the reason that I want to know. And that's the reason that I'm asking, and that's the reason that I'm...
How can you throw everything you live for? Well, it's the way we shake and sway. Oh, and it's the passion that you play.
[CHORUS:] And that's the reason that I'm asking. That's the reason that I want to know. And that's the reason that I'm asking, and that's the reason that I'm...
[BRIDGE:] Too many lost. Links in a chain passed down through the years, But ending here, if we just face the pain and the fear.
Who did you love before? Who did they love before you? But it's the way you move your hands And it's the way you understand.
[CHORUS:] And that's the reason that I'm asking. That's the reason that I want to know. And that's the reason that I'm asking, and that's the reason that I'm...
Last night was kinda boring. Sam and Eva's acting was pretty dull. They were kinda stiff. I liked the idea of the movie, and I loved New York scenes, plus some shots were great, but something was missing. Though Keira and Guillaume' performance was strong and interesting.
And yeah, kudos for casting Stephanie Romanov (Lilah on Angel). it was a delightful surprise to see her.
Infidelity theme was continued with The kids are alright. It's not the movie about gay couple with kids, it's just a movie about the couple with kids. I loved that they made no accent on sexual orientation, because they're all the same. After years of being together every couple struggles through the same problem in order to to keep going, to make their marriage work.
The performances were amazing. Every actor did a great job.
He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now: put out every one; Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun; Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood. For nothing now can ever come to any good.
I wanna say that MarvelGirl is a very mean and evOl girl. She forced me to drool over Tom Telton one more time and I decided to make his picspam in order to have more Tom' pictures to stare at)) I'd call it jerk-off material))
I don't really get sentimental over the weddings, but some of them make me warm inside when I witness true love. I've watched Ellen & Portia's wedding video a few times in fact)) I love Ellen's face when she sees Portia in her wedding dress for a first time and I get a smile on my face watching them being stupidly happy and in love. So beautiful.
P.S. their wedding song was Joshua Radin singing Today.
I've finally watched Adam. It kinda tore me apart. I was rooting for them to stay together, but it was more complicated than an average couple problems. I figured out it was my kind of movie from the first line My favorite children's book is about a little prince who came to earth as this book has a special meaning to me. And the next thing that has got to me was Adam striking out the words dad's chores. All in all, I loved it. P.S. ST included Joshua Radin, that was like a cherry on top of the cake.
I think Elie Saab becomes my favourite designer. During the last Paris Fashion Week Elie Saab introduced new clothing collection. Every dress was perfect ('cept for the lilac one, way too exposed for my taste)
Okay, I'm not gonna say how unfair is that Benedict and Sherlock didn't win, not gonna cry about this *does a bit... bwaaaaaaa! benedict! bwaaaaaaa* I'm just gonna post a picture of him walking down the red carpet of NTA))
I think I've rec'ed this song be4 as I've been listening to it for years, but still, it deeply touches me.
Missy Higgins - Where I stood
'Cos I don't know who I am, who I am without you All I know is that I should
Some people don't get the character in this song, but I can relate to her.
LyricsI don't know what I've done Or if I like what I've begun But something told me to run And honey you know me it's all or none
There were sounds in my head Little voices whispering That I should go and this should end Oh and I found myself listening
'Cos I don't know who I am, who I am without you All I know is that I should And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you All I know is that I should 'Cos she will love you more than I could She who dares to stand where I stood
See I thought love was black and white That it was wrong or it was right But you ain't leaving without a fight And I think I am just as torn inside
'Cos I don't know who I am, who I am without you All I know is that I should And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you All I know is that I should 'Cos she will love you more than I could She who dares to stand where I stood
And I won't be far from where you are if ever you should call You meant more to me than anyone I ever loved at all But you taught me how to trust myself and so I say to you This is what I have to do
'Cos I don't know who I am, who I am without you All I know is that I should And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you All I know is that I should 'Cos she will love you more than I could She who dares to stand where I stood Oh, she who dares to stand where I stood
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