Vidder: di0br Song: Crying lightning Artist: Arctic Monkeys Summary: This vid is sort of a general vid for the show, but with some focus on the relationship between John and Sherlock. Particularly, it's about the character of Sherlock, told through John's eyes.
Ships might be built for sailing my love And easels made for painting But you ain't no sailor and I'll never be camera shy
LyricsKate wasn't into moderation That's what led to her frustration And the state of her crumbling heart Says I'm not a girl for temperance Though I know it's at my hearts expense But a downward spiral has to have a rock bottom
She paints the walls blue and green Singing about her lovers and dreams And explains her hopeless desperation Take off your shoes Unravel your blues This place is full of beggars and choosers But the consequence of her liberty was bad
My hearts wants to go one way My mind don't agree Cause they, They have fallen out recently
Know thy self She said as she guided me round the land of the dead Introducing her friends stuck in the same mess Ships might be built for sailing my love And easels made for painting But you ain't no sailor and I'll never be camera shy
My hearts wants to go one way My mind don't agree Cause they, They have fallen out recently
She said Will I praise again? Oh will I praise again?
Though, in first version the line sounds like But you ain't no sailor and I can't paint for shit
I'm only in the beginning of the episode, BUT! Matt came back. Matt came back!!!! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee! They need to get together. ASAP. Even though Matt was kinda an ass!
UPD: it sucks!!! Matt left! Tim turned himself in to the police and took the whole blame! P.S. And I still don't like Becky.
It's for me to keep track on kradam stories, but I guess I could just fish for it in jeyhawk' LJ under kradam tag))
Title: Kite building for dummies Author: jeyhawk Rating: PG13 Pairing: Kris/Adam Word Count: 1,815 Summary: When Kris invited Adam to go camping, somehow Adam didn't think he actually meant camping, as in tents, log fires, mosquitoes, and their parents… Set in the Cruise!fic 'verse.
Title: Where the treetops glisten Author: destina Pairing: J2 Rating: NC-17 Words: PG Summary: Jensen figures out what being home for Christmas really means.
Спасибо Вам за то, что Вы есть. Любви всем и счастья, и побольше удачи! Надеюсь, все запаслись Новогодним настроением. Если нет - хватайте его быстрее *щедро раздает*
Okay, I never was a huge Tim/Lyla fan, but I liked them together and then, this scene: What do you want? You. What else do you want? You.
So many emotions behind those words. And after, it was their goodbye(( I don't wanna see Tim with someone else for a while. Especially, with not that kid Becky.
And then, Matt and Julie! I know all the reasons why they had to move on, but c'mon! two break ups in one episode, give me a break! Ohh... *is sad*
P.S. Also, I did notice their little hint about Landry trying to get over Tyra. What is this, writers?! Are you trying to give all the characters a new start? You broke all my fave couples!
I'm downloading Doctor Who Christmas Special 2010. Considering that I've watched only a few episodes of Doctor Who before, would it be hard to jump in and understand the plot of this episode? Thanks in advance.
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