Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Sometimes, I think it took me so long to end this story only 'coz I didn't want it to be finished.
I'm really proud of this story.

Title: Hold Me While I'm Killing You (complete in 15 parts)
Author: SanAnn
Pairing, characters: Dean/Sam (established relationship), Meg/Tom
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~42500
Beta: sweet billysgirl5
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: “When you were in Hell, all I could think about was you.” – “When I was in Hell, all I could think about was coming back to you.”
A/N: I wanted to write this story for a very long time, since the moment I knew that Sam wasn’t the one to bring Dean back.

Masterpost, trailer, art and soundtrack.

I finally did it))

@темы: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, fiction, supernatural, writing, wincest

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Title: Can It Just Be About You and Me (And Not About What We’re Supposed To Be)
Author: SanAnn
Pairing, characters: Jared/Jensen
Genre: drama
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1787
Beta: fast and awesome twivamp92
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: Supernatural gets canceled after Season Three, and so it's time to go back to Los Angeles. To Jensen, living together with Jared in Vancouver isn't the same as living together in LA. Jensen can't bring himself to handle it.
A/N: it's a birthday present to my doll secretlytodream. I wanted to give her J2 Christmas story.

One month without Jared feels like learning to play a new character without lines.

@темы: J2, fiction, RPS, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, writing


30STM show

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
The show was good.
I loved the acoustic performance the most.
Though, Gosh, I'd love to catch them at some club without all this craziness that follows them lately.

Anyway, thanks to my lovely girls for amazing company. You rock!

@темы: 30STM, Jared Leto, Shannon Leto, Tomo Milicevic, me myself and I

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
My man is a good mama' boy, ladies))
Food tasting at Southern Fried Flicks.

More videos here.

@темы: Christian Kane


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Okay, I came up with another Studio 60 couple. Because, c'mon! Studio 60!!!
Matt and Harriet this time))

And you should watch it till the end. Danny and Matt scene was amazing))
*watches this scene for 5th time* I love this show so frigging much!

@темы: Studio 60, Squee indeed!

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Let's dance!!!

08.12.2010 в 18:47
Пишет  Crisl:

Да, отлично
08.12.2010 в 18:03
Пишет  Daritela:

Mutlifandom: Club Can’t Handle Me (Flo Rida)

I incourage you to watch if you like any of the following: Dollhouse, Doctor Who,
Outsourced, Firefly, Harry Potter, Community, (500) Days of Summer, School of Rock, Brothers Bloom, 13 Going On 30, Iron Man 2, Battlestar Galactica, 17 Again, Supernatural, Modern Family, Little Miss Sunshine, I Love You, Man, Pirate Radio, Labyrinth, Misfits, Love Actually, Pirates of the Carribean, Sherlock, Fringe,

Люблю я такие штуки))

URL записи

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@темы: fan vid, Sherlock, TV, Dollhouse, rec, supernatural


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Actually, I've just watched episode 9, and it's so intense.
The show keeps getting better.
The characters are pretty complex, facing everyday problems, going through a hard time.
My fave character is Tyra (Adrianne Palicki), right from the start, which is weird since I'm not into blondes))
She's honest, not trying to play a "good girl" card, strong and more sensitive than she looks like.

@темы: Friday Night Lights


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Song rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Perfect song to get into the Xmas mood.

Coldplay - Christmas Lights

When your still waiting for the snowfall
Doesn’t really feel like Christmas at all


@темы: music to ur ears, rec


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I want someone to come and say, Okay, I'm not gonna give you money, but I'm gonna buy you- okay, not everything but half stuff on this site.
And I'm gonna be, yeah, fiiiine, 'coz jus' look at those dresses *squeaks*
I want them all!!!

@темы: i'm a nutcase, no worries, you can't kill the Shopaholic in me, me myself and I


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I've got this red balloon thingy))
I prefer dark chocolate color, but red is okay as well))

@темы: yay 4 b-day, me myself and I

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
God, I love this woman and the way she talks about fangirling over RDJ.
Aww :inlove:

02.12.2010 в 21:16
Пишет  Xomaaa:

Sophia Bush in 'Extra' at the Grove (2010)

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@темы: Sophia Bush

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I love Stewie and this vid is hilarious))
Thanks to Adam for pointing it out.

@темы: Adam Lambert, LMAO

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
So, after watching this vid a few times, I surely think this one is a masterpiece.
It's crazy and dark.
And it represents the whole idea of the album.
It is about power and violence, about politics and society, about fighting for the right to speak out loud, about sex and crossing the borderlines.

30 STM - Hurricane

I downloaded it before it is deleted.
Still, I want an uncencored version.

@темы: music to ur ears, rec, 30STM, Jared Leto, Shannon Leto, Tomo Milicevic


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