понедельник, 29 ноября 2010
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Beyoncé - Halo
воскресенье, 28 ноября 2010
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I have the christmas spirit or smth. Yeah, kinda early, I know.
But I wanna write some nice Xmas story 4 myself to go all aww by the end of it.
Cheer up, f-list!
There's snow outside and it is nice))
But I wanna write some nice Xmas story 4 myself to go all aww by the end of it.
Cheer up, f-list!
There's snow outside and it is nice))
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I've got a pretty nice Sam/Dean picture made by tazadecafe, it's PG'ish))
Link to source.
Link to source.
суббота, 27 ноября 2010
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Everytime I read drarry fiction, I end up with the words bloody hell, git, block, mate, fancy and such as in my vocabulary.
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Two down, one to go))
Title: Hold Me While I'm Killing You (14/15)
Author: SanAnn
Pairing, characters: Sam/Dean (established relationship), Meg/Tom
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~3600
Beta: sweet billysgirl5
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: “When you were in Hell, all I could think about was you.” – “When I was in Hell, all I could think about was coming back to you.”
A/N: I wanted to write this story for a very long time, since the moment I knew that Sam wasn’t the one to bring Dean back.
Sam thinks that little town in Maryland will soon need fireworks and a red carpet.
Title: Hold Me While I'm Killing You (14/15)
Author: SanAnn
Pairing, characters: Sam/Dean (established relationship), Meg/Tom
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~3600
Beta: sweet billysgirl5
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: “When you were in Hell, all I could think about was you.” – “When I was in Hell, all I could think about was coming back to you.”
A/N: I wanted to write this story for a very long time, since the moment I knew that Sam wasn’t the one to bring Dean back.
Sam thinks that little town in Maryland will soon need fireworks and a red carpet.
пятница, 26 ноября 2010
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
So, I have this guilty pleasure named Project Runway.
I love watching all the contestants coming up with new ideas and creating something beautiful and unique.
And there's one costant in this project that I favor the most, his name is Tim Gunn, he is a fashion consultant in this project.
He's a real gentleman, intelligent and funny. And the way he talks... gentleman!
Love this guy!!!
Quote from this interview... "I know it's comfortable; I understand that. But if you want to dress to feel as though you never got out of bed, don't get out of bed." Amen!
I love watching all the contestants coming up with new ideas and creating something beautiful and unique.
And there's one costant in this project that I favor the most, his name is Tim Gunn, he is a fashion consultant in this project.
He's a real gentleman, intelligent and funny. And the way he talks... gentleman!
Love this guy!!!
Quote from this interview... "I know it's comfortable; I understand that. But if you want to dress to feel as though you never got out of bed, don't get out of bed." Amen!
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Okay, vidders, u've got new footage, HP7.1 with new Drarry moments!
Please, make smth good.
Also, dear f-list, pls throw my way some good new Drarry vids if you find amy. TIA.
But let's enjoy this 1, I've never seen it be4 btw.
Title: harry/draco; take it all away
Vidder: luvinbigbrother
Song: Take it all away
Artist: Red
Summary: Harry & Draco have feelings for each other but are continuously denying it and instead showing hatred for each other. And it eventually gets too much for them causing a full on fight. I also forgot to mention that I made this in 4-5 hours so sorry if it's kinda crappy =/
Please, make smth good.
Also, dear f-list, pls throw my way some good new Drarry vids if you find amy. TIA.
But let's enjoy this 1, I've never seen it be4 btw.
Title: harry/draco; take it all away
Vidder: luvinbigbrother
Song: Take it all away
Artist: Red
Summary: Harry & Draco have feelings for each other but are continuously denying it and instead showing hatred for each other. And it eventually gets too much for them causing a full on fight. I also forgot to mention that I made this in 4-5 hours so sorry if it's kinda crappy =/
четверг, 25 ноября 2010
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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среда, 24 ноября 2010
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Your girl is lovely, Hubbell...
--The Way We Were
--The Way We Were
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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вторник, 23 ноября 2010
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
God, I finished it.
I started this story one year and a half ago.
Then, I was involved with BigBand and due to this fact, I kinda lost some of my readers. But the loyal ones stay and the ones who don't comment (yeah-yeah, free counter is a good thingy, lol).
It will take time for beta'ing and stuff, but I did it. Finally. I can't believe it.
This story is pretty special to me, so, this post is mostly for myself.
I need to celebrate it!
Cheers to "Hold Me While I’m Killing You"! *dances around*
I started this story one year and a half ago.
Then, I was involved with BigBand and due to this fact, I kinda lost some of my readers. But the loyal ones stay and the ones who don't comment (yeah-yeah, free counter is a good thingy, lol).
It will take time for beta'ing and stuff, but I did it. Finally. I can't believe it.
This story is pretty special to me, so, this post is mostly for myself.
I need to celebrate it!
Cheers to "Hold Me While I’m Killing You"! *dances around*
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I'm gonna repost it 'coz WTF?!!!!!
Batshit crazy monkeys, are you out of your minds?!
Batshit crazy monkeys, are you out of your minds?!
23.11.2010 в 01:32
Пишет Geroneja:Warner Bros. переснимают "Баффи" для большого экрана
Застрелите меня, пожалуйста, сразу, чтобы я этого не увидела. Потому что мне уже плохо - как можно при живом и, слава Богу-тьфу-тьфу-тьфу, здоровом Ведоне переснимать "Баффи" без его в этом участии??? В общем, просветитесь!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is coming back — to the big screen.
Warner Bros. plans to remake the 1992 film that paved way for the 1997 cult series, the company announced Monday.
Details are being kept under wraps, but the film will not revisit the heroine's high school days.
Atlas Entertainment's Charles Roven and Steve Alexander will produce the movie, alongside Vertigo Entertainment's Doug Davison and Roy Lee (The Ring, How to Train Your Dragon, The Departed). Whit Anderson is writing the sсript.
Joss Whedon, who wrote the screenplay for the first film and created the show, will not be part of the project.
"Whit approached us with an exciting idea about how to update Buffy," Roven said. "There is an active fan base eagerly awaiting this character's return to the big screen. We're thrilled to team up with Doug and Roy on a re-imagining of Buffy and the world she inhabits. ... She'll be just as witty, tough and sexy as we all remember her to be."
Starring Kristy Swanson, the initial movie was a campy horror flick — a style with which Whedon was dissatisfied. He later developed his original darker vision for the WB/UPN series, starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, which ran for seven seasons and spawned a spinoff, Angel.
The new Buffy film will hit theaters in 2012 or late 2011, Roven tells the Los Angeles Times.
URL записиЗастрелите меня, пожалуйста, сразу, чтобы я этого не увидела. Потому что мне уже плохо - как можно при живом и, слава Богу-тьфу-тьфу-тьфу, здоровом Ведоне переснимать "Баффи" без его в этом участии??? В общем, просветитесь!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is coming back — to the big screen.
Warner Bros. plans to remake the 1992 film that paved way for the 1997 cult series, the company announced Monday.
Details are being kept under wraps, but the film will not revisit the heroine's high school days.
Atlas Entertainment's Charles Roven and Steve Alexander will produce the movie, alongside Vertigo Entertainment's Doug Davison and Roy Lee (The Ring, How to Train Your Dragon, The Departed). Whit Anderson is writing the sсript.
Joss Whedon, who wrote the screenplay for the first film and created the show, will not be part of the project.
"Whit approached us with an exciting idea about how to update Buffy," Roven said. "There is an active fan base eagerly awaiting this character's return to the big screen. We're thrilled to team up with Doug and Roy on a re-imagining of Buffy and the world she inhabits. ... She'll be just as witty, tough and sexy as we all remember her to be."
Starring Kristy Swanson, the initial movie was a campy horror flick — a style with which Whedon was dissatisfied. He later developed his original darker vision for the WB/UPN series, starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, which ran for seven seasons and spawned a spinoff, Angel.
The new Buffy film will hit theaters in 2012 or late 2011, Roven tells the Los Angeles Times.
понедельник, 22 ноября 2010
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Well, this vid is pretty provocative due to Adam being highly provocative.
Vidder: kcinkcity
Music: Filthy Gorgeous
Artist: Scissor Sisters
Vidder: kcinkcity
Music: Filthy Gorgeous
Artist: Scissor Sisters
воскресенье, 21 ноября 2010
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
суббота, 20 ноября 2010
пятница, 19 ноября 2010
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I enjoyed it a lot!
There was a lot of action!
Draco was loveable! Poor baby, he couldn't kill his Potter))
And the new guy that caught "Scooby gang" in the end was Hot!
There was a lot of action!
Draco was loveable! Poor baby, he couldn't kill his Potter))
And the new guy that caught "Scooby gang" in the end was Hot!
четверг, 18 ноября 2010
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Le Beaujolais Nouveau Est Arrivé!
I had a good time this evening, and I enjoyed a few glasses of good wine.
I had a good time this evening, and I enjoyed a few glasses of good wine.
среда, 17 ноября 2010
Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
It needs to be rec'ed.
Brilliant work.
Brilliant work.
17.11.2010 в 09:20
Пишет igrushka13:Клип по постапокалиптике
Сегодня я, кажется, дорвалась до видео. Сказываются вечерние марафоны по просмотру клипов СПН. Супера ночью упорно не снятся, несмотря на полчища клипов. НУ и ладненько.
Я редко смотрю мультифандомные клипы, но тут по случайности посмотрела. В общем, не могла пропустить, любимая тема же! Люди после конца света - ммм, конфетка!
Vidder: Jesuit24
Audio: 'Session' // Linkin Park
Video: 28 Days Later // 28 Weeks Later // Blade Trinity // Carriers // Cloverfield // Doomsday // Drag Me To Hell // Harper's Island // Heroes // I Am Legend // In The Land Of Women // Lost // One Tree Hill // Reaper // Resident Evil Apocalypse // Resident Evil Extinction // Survivors // Terminator 3 Rise Against The Machines // The Detonator // The Skeptic // The Unborn // Transformers // Wedding Daze
Fandom: Post-apocalyptic Multi-fandom // Unnatural Selection (roleplay)
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URL записиСегодня я, кажется, дорвалась до видео. Сказываются вечерние марафоны по просмотру клипов СПН. Супера ночью упорно не снятся, несмотря на полчища клипов. НУ и ладненько.
Я редко смотрю мультифандомные клипы, но тут по случайности посмотрела. В общем, не могла пропустить, любимая тема же! Люди после конца света - ммм, конфетка!
Vidder: Jesuit24
Audio: 'Session' // Linkin Park
Video: 28 Days Later // 28 Weeks Later // Blade Trinity // Carriers // Cloverfield // Doomsday // Drag Me To Hell // Harper's Island // Heroes // I Am Legend // In The Land Of Women // Lost // One Tree Hill // Reaper // Resident Evil Apocalypse // Resident Evil Extinction // Survivors // Terminator 3 Rise Against The Machines // The Detonator // The Skeptic // The Unborn // Transformers // Wedding Daze
Fandom: Post-apocalyptic Multi-fandom // Unnatural Selection (roleplay)
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