Pretty much all fanvids dedicated to Lindsey suck big time. This one is not so bad. The time when my man was young, decently looking and sober)) Anyway, he still rocks my socks off.
Okay, i do rec the same vidders, i know. But they're the best. So, whatever. My doll made another video. It makes my heart ache with a beauty of it.
Vidder: Loki Movie: Wicker park Title: Nicest Thing Song: Nicest Thing Artist: Kate Nash Warnings: spoilers for the movie Category: general/themed montage Characters/Pairings: Matthew/Lisa Summary: "And I wish that we could see if we could be something."
I guess everyone and their mother already posted these pictures. But, I want to have this one here.
Summer. You and me. Sun is warm on our skin. Blue sky is clear under our heads. Can I see the reflection of those details in your eyes? Just raise your head and let me capture it all.
Don't play with matches, Connor. Yeah, i know from whom you learned that trick from. Still, don't! Angel won't approve. But i guess, like father, like son.
Scrolling down justjared for the pics from Cannes, I can tell you only one thing, I'm such a sucker for beautiful and stylish women. Yeah, I'm that shallow.
No spoilers. No cut needed. Good acting, some actors were even great, what else *thinks* There were some good scenes during the episode. Hmmm, what else... *thinks hard* Good acting. Guys were good, really.
Now, jump to the chase. Okay, the last five minutes? WHAT? Really? Srsly?!
Also, what a perfect way to excuse his own holes. Though, I don't think my readers will be as generous as the viewers.
Could be worse, though. Right?)) Yeah, I am in a cheery mood.
Pretty good fanvid about mean fangirls who write angsty stories and force guys to suffer.
Vidder: zimshan Characters: Sam'n'Dean from a fangirl POV [NOTE: Spoilers up to 5.16] Song/Artist: ‘How I Could Just Kill A Man’ by Charlotte Sometimes Summary: "And you can‘t understand, how I can just kill a man" Kripke might have created Sam & Dean, but it's fandom that knows how to play with them. [Otherwise known as, 'Fandom Power, FTW!] Disclaimer: All clips property of Eric Kripke, WB, & The CW. All fanwork and posts included in this vid are linked and listed HERE. I claim no ownership of anything in this vid other than the editing I have done myself.