i was re-watching this fanvid on my cell and i don't even remember if i ever rec'ed it. The mood works for me now. And gosh, i remember the days the thought of Dean going to Hell was making my heart ache.
I guess David should be happy that other news came out, and now everyone is on JDM' ass. Well, i guess i was pretty okay with knowing he had a baby with the girl from OTH.
And now, all this news came out about them being fuck buddies, and her being a rebound after Mary-Louise, and them keeping the baby a secret as she had no idea who the father was. Then, another DNA test for JDM. And the result? Congrats Jeffrey! Again. A little advice, man. You should talk to your women about a birth control.
Anyway, it's no biggie for HW and for our lives as well.
WOOT for the craziness that starts in May of every year. Our 4th Big Bang. I remember my first one)) I think it was better than losing my virginity)) Chicagoland and Faint Stars and Bright Satellite Skies, The Truth About Heaven and When It Crackles. Good times. And Chicagoland still wins.
Last year we already had over 200 stories, and truth to be told, most of them sucked. It scares me that some authors decide to write their first story for BB. Srsly? Are you nuts? You're not that good. You need practice, ppl. Well, enough of me bitching. Yay for BB 2010! Woot for the authors and artists.
My 5 cents on fans' reaction, dedicated to some pushy fans of David.
i wasn't going to bring this topic up again, but c'mon, what's all the fuss? i get that it wasn't a smart move from him and ppl are upset, i wasn't happy either, but some fans are just crasy with their "we don't love him anymore", "the guy is bastard", and such insulting shit. you are not the ones he was cheating on. it's up to his family.
and on the light note, one of my fave comments taken from public blog (i kept the original mistakes): he belongs to quite a gorup of younf buff hollywood guys..that include chris kane, jensen ackles , jared padeleski , hmm …..i wonder how many hollywood wives are sleeping these days…
First, leave the gay guys out of it. Second, fuck off my man. He's not married and he can fuck whoever he wants!
C'mon, David, i still love you as an actor and i don't think you're a bad man, to love you as a husband is up to your wife. i hope you'll get through this.
David Boreanaz has admitted to cheating on his wife of eight years, Jaime Bergman.
“Our marriage has been tainted with my infidelities,” the 40-year-old Bones actor told People, explaining that he chose to admit his infidelity when a former mistress threatened to spill the story to media outlets.
“I was associated with a woman who I was involved with and had a relationship with,” David said. “She asked for money. I felt as though I was being blackmailed or there was some sort of extortion.”
“I just want to be open and honest. I was irresponsible,” he concluded. “We’re working on our marriage. We’re working on repairing what has been damaged so badly.
М-да... ну не то, чтобы большой уж сюрприз, Дэвид, но м-дааа. Gosh, mistresses don't keep their mouth shut lately.
One of my RL OTP's)) They broke up and now they're just friends but they were good together. Agam Lambert/Brad Bell. Also known as Glambert/Cheeks)) It's not really a fanvid, but the pictures of them together.
It's a gay couple, so if it's not ur cup of tea, don't watch it))
WTF knew that i go by a name Kaniac? apparently, i did without knowing it as Urban dictionary has this name for CK' fans. My man rocks!
Read about KaniacsLoyal fans of Christian Kane-musician & actor, who has created a cult following due to his kick ass music, strong acting in both movies and TV, his drop dead looks, & southern boy charm. He's known for being a fun, genuine, grateful, & humble guy in real life that only adds to his charm.
Christian (CK to Kaniacs) began acting in Fame LA but his role as Lindsey McDonald in Joss Whedon's hit series Angel began the true Kaniac phenomenon. He's starred in major motion pics such as Just Married, Secondhand Lions, & Hide just to name a few. His current role in TNT's Leverage as Eliot f*ckin' Spencer (The Hitter) has brought a whole new level of obsession and Kaniacs following has swelled to epic levels.
CK recently released an incredible EP with songs such as The House Rules & Whisky in Mind that shot to #1 on Amazon & #3 on ITunes TWO days after its release. EPIC onstage performances w/Steve Carlson have caused Kaniacs to drive hours away, fly cross-country, or half-way 'round the globe to see CK live.
A lot of Kaniacs say they don't normally like country music but they love every tune he's ever put out! Yeah - he's THAT good.
Also an influential force on Twitter CK tweeted for 'his people' to add John Schneider AKA Bo Duke causing John to gain 1000+ followers in the form of Kaniacs and Grifters (fans of Leverage) in only a few hours.
Kaniacs are in true force at his live shows & on his internet sites.
Kanaics aren't groupies - they are FANS. Behold the power of fangirls, Grifters, and KANIACS!
Kaniacs are like a cult. Once you listen into Christian Kane's music, it's already too late - he's got you!
Once you go Kaniac, you never go back.
Christian Kane is the creator of Rule #7! And Kaniacs play by his rules!!