Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
After checking new MBV' vid at my friend's diary, i decided to post my fave MBV' vid from one (technically, there two of them going by one name) of my fave vidders.

I want to go to the cinema and watch this movie in 3D again. Four times were not enough, apparently.
And on a shallow note, god, this guy is fucking gorgeous.

@темы: movies, fan vid, rec, Jensen Ackles



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
And be4 i go to sleep, i give a thumbs up for Rosey.

I have a facebook for only family. Sorry friends.
Smart move, Mikey.
Good for you! *respects the man*

@темы: Mike Rosenbaum



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I alsmost finished one thing I was working on.
Almost is the key word, but still!
It was a hard day of working.

@темы: blah-blah, me myself and I

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Shannon. Hours be4 smn stole his bike.

After, Jared tweeted pretty romantic things 4 my shipper.

@темы: 30STM, Jared Leto, Shannon Leto

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
And be4 I go to sleep there's amazing interview with Adam given in Sweden.
He's being honest and just being Adam.

CLICK to read

The source.

@темы: Adam Lambert



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Taken from all over the lj.

So let me get this straight - Larry King is getting his 8th divorce, Elizabeth Taylor is possibly getting married for a 9th time,
Britney Spears had a 55 hour marriage. Jesse James and Tiger Woods are screwing EVERYTHING -
yet the idea of same-sex marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage??
Really? REALLY??

@темы: bitching, blah-blah, gay rights


SPN fic rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
When it comes to my fave leonidaslion, I can totally go nuts and rec each and every story she wrote.
She ruined me for any other author a long time ago *iz not sad by the fact*
And when I go through her stories, it's such delight and pleasure, it's amazing.

New story, sequel to wonderful Parting Shots.

Title: In the Deafening Silence
Rating: NC-17 (language, sex, angst)
Pairing: Dean/Sam, Dean/OMCs
Spoilers: nada, we're in pre-series
Genre: drama, sequel to Parting Shots
Word Count: 6,809 (this part)
Warnings: dub con in varying forms; other dark themes

Link to fic.

@темы: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, fiction, rec, supernatural, wincest

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I'm not gonna post the pictures with Austin 'coz i'm way more interested in her))
My girl wears casual clothes and she's still amazing *hearts Soph*

@темы: Sophia Bush


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
My doll and obsessive24 got together for this vid.

23.04.2010 в 19:37
Пишет  Loks:

Vid: A Rush Of Blood To The Head
В общем, помнит, может, кто, на жж сообщество делали в помощь жертвам на Гаити, и кароче меня там купили. И не абы кто, а сама obsessive24 *чувствуед себя оч пантово* :lol::lol:
Кароче говоря, с февраля мы этот клип мучили, в и тоге оно готово! \o/

Meet me on the road, meet me where I said...

URL записи

@темы: fan vid, Dollhouse, rec


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I was planning to stay away from diary and to stop making the posts for today))
BUT, OMG!!!!!!!!!!
They finally posted the interview Juliet was teasing Chris' fans with.
Very honest and personal interview *dies of happiness*
One of the best Chris' interviews I saw. Hands down.
If you're interested in my man, you sould totally watch it.

I love him talking about working on Angel, about his last night be4 moving to CA.
The moment he talks about Brittany Murphy... no words((

Latest pic of his.

@темы: crazy in love, Christian Kane

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
It's a Squeee post))
Basically this post is for me and Ninfa to drool over Shannon and laugh with him.
yeah, that sums it up.

@темы: LMAO, 30STM, Shannon Leto, Squee indeed!



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I need the beauty fix after seeing so much unpretty-ness on my f-list *suffers*
Well, 'cept for Gillian Anderson.
The woman is stunning.

When it comes to portraying the beauty and style my girl Soph does this job the best.

@темы: crazy in love, Sophia Bush


Shannon' vid

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I was looking for this vid and it was back on YT without me registering it))
Ppl say it's Shannon being giddy and funny. Suuuure.
it's my fave Shannon being high vid.

@темы: 30STM, Shannon Leto

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin


@темы: music to ur ears, rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Hey pretty, don't you wanna take a ride with me?

@темы: Sophia Bush

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Adam Lambert sings "Its so hard to say goodbye to yesterday" at Mt Carmel High School graduation 2000.

Yeah, it's our Adam.
Don't worry, darling, give yourself ten years and you're gonna be a star, very talented and hot star btw))

@темы: Adam Lambert


SPN fic rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Amazing leonidaslion wrote another beautiful story.

Title: Don't Talk With Your Mouth Full
Rating: NC-17 (language, dark situations, sexual situations, evil!Dean)
Pairing: strong vamp!Dean/Sam overtones, mention of vamp!Dean/others
Warning: Dark!fic. (see author's notes for complete warning list)
Spoilers: for BUABS
Genre: drama, horror, AU (Don't Talk to Strangers 'Verse)
Word Count: 5,124
Summary: After his snack, Dean finds he's in the mood for something a little more substantial ...

The last part of Vamp!Dean' verse, but you can totally read it as one shot.
I love such stories.
Read the warning first though. Maybe it's not your cup of tea.

Link to fic.

@темы: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, fiction, rec, supernatural, wincest



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Amy Acker is on twitter here. Finally!

@темы: Angel, actors