

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Yeah, why the fuck not give it a try?

Demand Christian Kane in Moscow!
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@темы: music to ur ears, Christian Kane



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I love Adam after this even more))
The guy performs live and people came to listen to him and not to some stupid bitch that talks loudly on her phone in front of him while he sings.
He was pretty polite and people accused him of being diva? well, tough shit. I wouldn't be that nice, that's for sure.

@темы: bitching, music to ur ears, Adam Lambert

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Amazing drama with its own funny moments.
Story about our life, cynic and harsh, and the true of us still seeking for human connection.
Brilliant dialogues and perfect casting.

It was Clooney' role, no doubt!

@темы: movies, rec


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Okay, I decided to post it.
I bet, my man was having a time of his life shooting this scene.

@темы: Christian Kane, Leverage, Eliot Spencer

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin

@темы: me myself and I



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I love Jay Brannan' facebook msg's: Dear 2010, Still waiting 4 healthcare, my own series, a boyfriend, lottery, & BBTour2. Pick up the pace, new year! Ur not gettin any younger.

@темы: LMAO



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Миша все-таки забавный чувак.
Его желание загипнотизировать людей по ту сторону экрана hilarious))

@темы: supernatural


SPN fic rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
OMG, this story is amazing *draws hearts*
Perfect ending for season 3 and not like the one we had.

A Day Like Today by luzdeestrellas
Sam/Dean, 1259 words

Link to fic.

@темы: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, fiction, rec, wincest


SPN fic rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Good times.
Some authors know how to write a good blowjob fic))

Title: Fragment
Author: ygrawn
Pairing: Sam/Dean

Link to fic.

@темы: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, fiction, rec, wincest



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Carrey is hilarious.

@темы: LMAO, actors



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I'm like a lab rat hitting the refresh button for new part of Leonidaslion' Disturbia to appear.

@темы: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, fiction, wincest

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Oh yeah, she's totally high above you, Chad, douchebag.

@темы: bitching, Sophia Bush



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Some things stay the same.

DAMIEN RICE - Cannonball

@темы: music to ur ears



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Джулиет Ландау отвечает на твиттере моему мужчине.
Awwww :inlove:

Не зря он приводил Дру кусать Дарлу))

@темы: Christian Kane, Angel, Squee indeed!


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Huge thanks to proofpudding for capturing a wonderful moment.

@темы: J2, supernatural, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Ma man is mad coz of Steve's stolen guitar and threatens to kick asses.
So sweet of him))

@темы: i'm a nutcase, no worries, Christian Kane


SPN fic rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Of Salt and Distant Memories
By shannon-doll

I kinda liked this story.
It's a simple one. Just one quiet moment for Dean and Sam.

Link to fic.

@темы: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, fiction, rec, supernatural