

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Do you love Daughtry like I do? :inlove:
God, I wish they could visit our city.

@темы: music to ur ears

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
My girl Soph at a screening of The Private Lives at New York City on November 15.
AWW :inlove:

@темы: Sophia Bush



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Надееюсь, до 14 марта ничего не поменяется. Поживем - увидим.

@темы: music to ur ears, 30STM, Jared Leto, Shannon Leto

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Okay, when I see Jensen, I melt like a butter in the sun.

When I see Jared, he literally takes my breath away

And when I see both of them, I wanna sing, coz my OTP is full of so much love it's hard to keep it inside. I'm glad they don't. Why should I?

@темы: J2, fangirl' death, crazy in love, supernatural, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
J2's, thank you!))
And the picture to summon up this con.

And Jensen? stop this!
Okay, I lied. Don't stop))

@темы: J2, con, supernatural, Squee indeed!



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
first and last chicagocon twitter comment.
*fingers crossed*

Jensen knows exactly where jared begins sweating first. and admitted that he mops him off between scenes because it grosses him out

@темы: J2, con, supernatural



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I should stop acting like a lab rat and keep pushing refresh button for ChicagoCon tweets.

@темы: J2, con, supernatural, blah-blah


SPN vid rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Oh myyyy.
I had no idea this vid would be so HOT.
Sam and Dean playing poker together? It must be illegal)))

Vidder: Kitten
Song: Poker face
Artist: Lady Gaga

@темы: fan vid, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, rec, supernatural, wincest

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Все спамщики, приходящие писать свои ебнутые комменты в мой ЖЖ каждый божий день, чтобы вам всем снились кошмары каждую божию ночь, чтоб все ваши деньги пошли на психиатров, чтоб пили вы лекарства каждый час и боялись выйти в интернет, проводя все время в испуге за шкафом, разговаривая с молью. Хороших вам снов только вам в психушке!
Ибо, заебали сцуки.
Все. Высказалась.

Дорогая френдлента, не боимся. Я вновь добрая и хорошая.

@темы: bitching, crying my heart out


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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
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Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
All the eyes on me in the center of the ring
Just like a circus
When i crack that whip, everybody gonna trip
Just like a circus

yeah, I like this song. what?!

@темы: blah-blah



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I think Satyana looks like her daddy))

@темы: Angel, actors, blah-blah, Buffy



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I still don't know how this baby survived, but it's something incredible.

@темы: blah-blah

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Okay, he kept spitting to the ground like all the time. Fucker)))
It's just gross, Christian.
Maybe you should you start fucking non-stop in order to kill this habit. I'm all at your service.
Yeah, I can do sacrifices to make this world a better place))

And the best line about Jack Daniles and women in Texas? "They taste different". Dickhead))) :inlove:

@темы: Christian Kane

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Thanks to my wifey for the link :kiss:
John is crazy sob, and we love him for that))

@темы: John&Scott

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Кто-нибудь сможет мне объяснить мысли сценаристов касательно смещения Хотчнера с его поста?
А то все выглядит слишком неуклюже, с одной целью - опустить героя еще ниже.
Герои ведут себя неловко.
Еveryone is tiptoe'ing around the subject

@темы: Criminal Minds

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
No one cares about poor Elisabeth Harnois.
Yeah, I kinda like this girl, she seems nice, despite having THAT as a gf.
Anyway, you know Hollywood rules, sweetie. After all, you are the one who spends the nights with her. Cheer up.

@темы: bitching, blah-blah


Bon Jovi

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
This guy isn't getting old. Are you, Jon?)) And the buldge in the jeans is the same, as well)))

My old crush since "Keep The Faith" album.
Yeah, iy was a long time ago.

11.11.2009 в 21:11
Пишет  Xomaaa:

Bon Jovi Live Today Show 11.11.2009

URL записи

@темы: music to ur ears


Nothing new

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Fox в очередной раз оправдало свою репутацию.
От традиции закрытия очередного шоу Джосса они отказываться не собираются, похоже.
Молодцы, мать вашу.

@темы: Dollhouse, Joss is boss



Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
So, I was serfing the net for my Soph's vids and I found smth interesting.
It's the video of Jaime King and my girl posing for the paps.

At first, we see Jaime coming out of her car, and one of the paps is asking "what's her name?" and then he screams out her name and says how beautiful she is, and asks for posing. And she does, a lot. She's kinda nice.
But it was really awkward.
Poor girl.
Then, comes my girl and the paps scream like crazy. And that guy almost stutters "Sophia", fascinated.

Anyway, the thing with Jaime was awkward.

@темы: Sophia Bush, blah-blah